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Equivalent of python eval in Haskell

There is function in python called eval that takes string input and evaluates it.

>>> x = 1
>>> print eval('x+1')
>>> print eval('12 + 32')

What is Haskell equivalent of eval function?

like image 643
Pratik Deoghare Avatar asked Mar 18 '10 10:03

Pratik Deoghare

People also ask

What is eval in Haskell?

eval provides a typesafe (to a limit) form of runtime evaluation for Haskell -- a limited form of runtime metaprogramming. The String argument to eval is a Haskell source fragment to evaluate at rutime. imps are a list of module names to use in the context of the compiled value.

What is the alternative for eval in Python?

The asteval package evaluates mathematical expressions and statements, providing a safer alternative to Python's builtin eval() and a richer, easier to use alternative to ast. literal_eval() . It does this by building an embedded interpreter for a subset of the Python language using Python's ast module.

Does python have an eval function?

Python's eval() allows you to evaluate arbitrary Python expressions from a string-based or compiled-code-based input. This function can be handy when you're trying to dynamically evaluate Python expressions from any input that comes as a string or a compiled code object.

1 Answers

This question is asked 11 years ago, and now use the package hint we can define eval very easily, following is an example as self-contained script (you still need nix to run it)

#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#! nix-shell -p "haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (p: with p; [hint])"
#! nix-shell -i "ghci -ignore-dot-ghci -fdefer-type-errors -XTypeApplications"

{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, TypeApplications, PartialTypeSignatures #-}

import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import qualified Language.Haskell.Interpreter as Hint

-- DOC: https://www.stackage.org/lts-18.18/package/hint-

eval :: forall t. Typeable t => String -> IO t
eval s = do
    mr <- Hint.runInterpreter $ do
        Hint.setImports ["Prelude"]
        Hint.interpret s (Hint.as :: t)
    case mr of
        Left err -> error (show err)
        Right r -> pure r

-- * Interpret expressions into values:

e1 = eval @Int "1 + 1 :: Int"
e2 = eval @String "\"hello eval\""

-- * Send values from your compiled program to your interpreted program by interpreting a function:

e3 = do
    f <- eval @(Int -> [Int]) "\\x -> [1..x]"
    pure (f 5)
like image 136
luochen1990 Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 16:10
