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Enzyme simulate an onChange event

I'm testing a react component with Mocha and Enzyme. Here is the component (shortened for simplicity of course):

class New extends React.Component {    // shortened for simplicity    handleChange(event) {     // handle changing state of input      const target = event.target;     const value = target.value;     const name = target.name     this.setState({[name]: value})    }     render() {     return(       <div>         <form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>           <div className="form-group row">             <label className="col-2 col-form-label form-text">Poll Name</label>             <div className="col-10">               <input                 className="form-control"                 ref="pollName"                 name="pollName"                 type="text"                 value={this.state.pollName}                 onChange={this.handleChange}               />             </div>           </div>            <input className="btn btn-info"  type="submit" value="Submit" />         </form>       </div>     )   } } 

And here is the test:

it("responds to name change", done => {   const handleChangeSpy = sinon.spy();   const event = {target: {name: "pollName", value: "spam"}};   const wrap = mount(     <New handleChange={handleChangeSpy} />   );    wrap.ref('pollName').simulate('change', event);   expect(handleChangeSpy.calledOnce).to.equal(true); }) 

I am expecting that when the user types text into the <input> box the handleChange method will be called. The test above fails with:

AssertionError: expected false to equal true + expected - actual  -false +true  at Context.<anonymous> (test/components/new_component_test.js:71:45) 

What am I doing wrong?


I should clarify, my objective is to test that the method handleChange is called. How can I do that?

like image 588
stoebelj Avatar asked Apr 15 '17 13:04


People also ask

How do you simulate onChange in enzymes?

You can simply spy to the method directly via the prototype. Alternatively, you can use spy on the instance's method, but you have to make a forced update because the component is already rendered after mount is called, which means the onChange is already bound to its original.

1 Answers

You can simply spy to the method directly via the prototype.

it("responds to name change", done => {   const handleChangeSpy = sinon.spy(New.prototype, "handleChange");   const event = {target: {name: "pollName", value: "spam"}};   const wrap = mount(     <New />   );   wrap.ref('pollName').simulate('change', event);   expect(handleChangeSpy.calledOnce).to.equal(true); }) 

Alternatively, you can use spy on the instance's method, but you have to make a forced update because the component is already rendered after mount is called, which means the onChange is already bound to its original.

it("responds to name change", done => {   const event = {target: {name: "pollName", value: "spam"}};   const wrap = mount(     <New />   );   const handleChangeSpy = sinon.spy(wrap.instance(), "handleChange");   wrap.update(); // Force re-render   wrap.ref('pollName').simulate('change', event);   expect(handleChangeSpy.calledOnce).to.equal(true); }) 
like image 96
Evan Sebastian Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 02:09

Evan Sebastian