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Enzyme find not working at finding component inside an already shallowed component

I'm trying to do a unit test of a login component that includes a form with a Button from the library https://react.semantic-ui.com/, the component is this:

<LoginComponent onSubmit={onSubmit} data={req.data} />

and I have my current test like this:

import React from 'react';
import { mount, configure } from 'enzyme';
import { Button } from 'semantic-ui-react';
import LoginComponent from './LoginComponent';
import Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16';

configure({adapter: new Adapter()});

it('Email check', () => {
    const wrapper = mount(<LoginComponent data={undefined} onSubmit={ console.log("submitted" }/>);

The console log returns ReactWrapper {} Edit

Here is the source code of the loginComponent is :

import React, {useEffect} from 'react'
import useForm from 'react-hook-form'
import { Grid, Message, Card, Input, Button, Form, Image } from 'semantic-ui-react'
import { REGEX_EMAIL_VALIDATION, ERROR_LOGIN_INVALID } from '../common/consts';
import './login.css'

const LoginComponent = props => {

    const { register, handleSubmit, setValue } = useForm();

    const handleFormChange = type => event => {
        setValue(type, event.target.value)

    useEffect(()=> {
        register({name: 'email'}, {required: true, pattern: REGEX_EMAIL_VALIDATION})
        register({name: 'password'}, {required: true, min: 6})
    }, [register])

        <Grid centered columns={4} verticalAlign='middle' className="h-100">
                <Grid.Column textAlign="center" >
                    <Card centered fluid raised={true} className='card-login'>
                            <Image src='img/logo.png' size='small' className='pa4'/>
                            { props.data !== undefined ? 'AuthError' in props.data && (
                                    <Message negative>
                                    : null
                            <Form onSubmit={handleSubmit(props.onSubmit)} className='pt3'>
                                    <Input icon='user' type="email" name="email" placeholder="Correo Electronico" 
                                        className='login-input' size="big" onChange={handleFormChange('email')} />
                                    <Input icon='lock' type="password" name="password" placeholder="Contraseña"
                                        className='login-input'size="big" onChange={handleFormChange('password')} />
                                <Form.Field className='pt3'>
                                    <Button fluid type='submit' content='Iniciar Sesión' size="big" className='login-button' id="suh"/>

export default LoginComponent;
like image 683
Daniel Aguilera Avatar asked Sep 03 '19 23:09

Daniel Aguilera

People also ask

What does shallow return in Enzyme?

Shallow renders the current node and returns a shallow wrapper around it.

What is ShallowWrapper?

shallow([options]) => ShallowWrapper. Shallow renders the root node and returns a shallow wrapper around it. It must be a single-node wrapper.

What is shallow rendering?

Shallow rendering lets you render a component “one level deep” and assert facts about what its render method returns, without worrying about the behavior of child components, which are not instantiated or rendered. This does not require a DOM.

1 Answers

This is normal; you'll usually get ReactWrapper {} whether an element was found or not. Try console.log(wrapper.find(Button).length); to see if matching elements/components were found. If so, you can do console.log(wrapper.find(Button).debug()); to see its contents.

like image 118
paddotk Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11
