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Environment variable substitution in sed

People also ask

How do you replace a variable in a file using sed?

How SED Works. In the syntax, you only need to provide a suitable “new string” name that you want to be placed with the “old string”. Of course, the old string name needs to be entered as well. Then, provide the file name in the place of “file_name” from where the old string will be found and replaced.

What is substitution in sed command?

Replacing all the occurrence of the pattern in a line : The substitute flag /g (global replacement) specifies the sed command to replace all the occurrences of the string in the line.

Can I use a variable in sed?

The shell is responsible for expanding variables. When you use single quotes for strings, its contents will be treated literally, so sed now tries to replace every occurrence of the literal $var1 by ZZ .

What does `- E option in sed do?

The -e tells sed to execute the next command line argument as sed program. Since sed programs often contain regular expressions, they will often contain characters that your shell interprets, so you should get used to put all sed programs in single quotes so your shell won't interpret the sed program.

Your two examples look identical, which makes problems hard to diagnose. Potential problems:

  1. You may need double quotes, as in sed 's/xxx/'"$PWD"'/'

  2. $PWD may contain a slash, in which case you need to find a character not contained in $PWD to use as a delimiter.

To nail both issues at once, perhaps

sed 's@xxx@'"$PWD"'@'

In addition to Norman Ramsey's answer, I'd like to add that you can double-quote the entire string (which may make the statement more readable and less error prone).

So if you want to search for 'foo' and replace it with the content of $BAR, you can enclose the sed command in double-quotes.

sed 's/foo/$BAR/g'
sed "s/foo/$BAR/g"

In the first, $BAR will not expand correctly while in the second $BAR will expand correctly.

Another easy alternative:

Since $PWD will usually contain a slash /, use | instead of / for the sed statement:

sed -e "s|xxx|$PWD|"

You can use other characters besides "/" in substitution:

sed "s#$1#$2#g" -i FILE

一. bad way: change delimiter

sed 's/xxx/'"$PWD"'/'
sed 's:xxx:'"$PWD"':'
sed 's@xxx@'"$PWD"'@'

maybe those not the final answer,

you can not known what character will occur in $PWD, / : OR @.

the good way is replace(escape) the special character in $PWD.

二. good way: escape delimiter

for example: try to replace URL as $url (has : / in content)


in string $tmp

<a href="URL">URL</a>

A. use / as delimiter

escape / as \/ in var (before use in sed expression)

## step 1: try escape
echo ${url//\//\\/}
x.com:80\/aa\/bb\/aa.js   #escape fine

echo ${url//\//\/}
x.com:80/aa/bb/aa.js      #escape not success

echo "${url//\//\/}"
x.com:80\/aa\/bb\/aa.js   #escape fine, notice `"`

## step 2: do sed
echo $tmp | sed "s/URL/${url//\//\\/}/"
<a href="x.com:80/aa/bb/aa.js">URL</a>

echo $tmp | sed "s/URL/${url//\//\/}/"
<a href="x.com:80/aa/bb/aa.js">URL</a>


B. use : as delimiter (more readable than /)

escape : as \: in var (before use in sed expression)

## step 1: try escape
echo ${url//:/\:}
x.com:80/aa/bb/aa.js     #escape not success

echo "${url//:/\:}"
x.com\:80/aa/bb/aa.js    #escape fine, notice `"`

## step 2: do sed
echo $tmp | sed "s:URL:${url//:/\:}:g"
<a href="x.com:80/aa/bb/aa.js">x.com:80/aa/bb/aa.js</a>

With your question edit, I see your problem. Let's say the current directory is /home/yourname ... in this case, your command below:

sed 's/xxx/'$PWD'/'

will be expanded to

sed `s/xxx//home/yourname//

which is not valid. You need to put a \ character in front of each / in your $PWD if you want to do this.