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Enumerating Named Pipes in Windows



I am having trouble connecting to a Named Pipe (in this case a fast cgi named pipe) According to MSDN, I should be using CreateFile() or CallNamedPipe() (flat C API, synchronous - no overlapped I/O) http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa363858(VS.85).aspx

Yet I am getting INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE and when I GetLastError() it is zero!?

I am also wondering if I can just enumerate all the named pipes with a . call of some sort and then parse out the one I am looking for: "\.\pipe\FastCGI\"

and does anyone have experience with these comments: http://blade.nagaokaut.ac.jp/cgi-bin/scat.rb/ruby/ruby-talk/225878

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Mike Trader Avatar asked Jan 26 '09 23:01

Mike Trader

People also ask

Where are named pipes stored Windows?

Every pipe is placed in the root directory of the named pipe filesystem (NPFS), mounted under the special path \.

What are named pipes Windows?

Named Pipes is a Windows mechanism that enables two unrelated processes to exchange data between themselves, even if the processes are located on two different networks. It's very simar to client/server architecture as notions such as a named pipe server and a named pipe client exist.

What SysInternals tool will allow you to see all of the named pipes on the system?

To view the DACL's of a given named pipe, one can use the tool Accesschk from the SysInternals Suite . Accesschk is a versatile tool that allows users to enumerate various resources, such as named pipes, and the permissions associated with them.

How do you access named pipes?

Configure the policy value for Computer Configuration -> Windows Settings -> Security Settings -> Local Policies -> Security Options -> "Network access: Named pipes that can be accessed anonymously" to only include "netlogon, samr, lsarpc".

2 Answers

problem lies in here:

    TmpInfo = DirInfo;   

       TmpInfo->FileDirectoryInformationClass.FileName[TmpInfo->FileNameLength/sizeof(WCHAR)] = NULL;   

       wprintf(L"%s (%d, %d)\n",TmpInfo->FileDirectoryInformationClass.FileName,   
                                TmpInfo->AllocationSize.LowPart );   

       TmpInfo = (PFILE_QUERY_DIRECTORY)((DWORD)TmpInfo+TmpInfo->NextEntryOffset);   

just after the "while(1)" you check if the NextEntryOffset == 0 this means that the last entry never gets reported, move the "if(...) break;" to after the "wprintf(...)" call and you should be able to enumerate all of the pipes.

For those of you who would like the full source code (without requiring the DDK) here it is. Please not that this is not my code and was found here. The only change between this code and the original is the bug fix as detailed above.

EDIT v2.0
Found another bug in the code below. As it goes to print information about the current item it is iterating through, it places a null character at the end of the name. This null character actually overwrites the first 2 bytes of the next entry, which just happens to overwrite the 2 least significant bytes of the 'NextEntryOffset' variable in that entry (usually resulting making it equal 0), hence only the first 2 items are every enumerated from each 'NtQueryDirectoryFile' call.

I have added a fix to the code below that should resolve this issue (store the WCHAR being cleared and then restoring it after printing. Bit of a hack, but this is just some example code, for a proper implementation, either avoid using wprintf to print the name, or copy it to another buffer that you can safely NULL the end of).

// pipelist.cpp (Windows NT/2000)   
// This example will show how you can enumerate all named pipes   
// active on a system.   
// (c)2000 Ashot Oganesyan K, SmartLine, Inc   
// mailto:ashot@aha.ru, http://www.protect-me.com, http://www.codepile.com   

#include <windows.h>   
#include <stdio.h>  

#define FileDirectoryInformation 1   
#define STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES 0x80000006L   

typedef struct   
    USHORT Length;   
    USHORT MaximumLength;   
    PWSTR  Buffer;   

typedef struct   
    LONG Status;   
    ULONG Information;   

typedef struct {   
    ULONG NextEntryOffset;   
    ULONG FileIndex;   
    LARGE_INTEGER CreationTime;   
    LARGE_INTEGER LastAccessTime;   
    LARGE_INTEGER LastWriteTime;   
    LARGE_INTEGER ChangeTime;   
    LARGE_INTEGER EndOfFile;   
    LARGE_INTEGER AllocationSize;   
    ULONG FileAttributes;   
    ULONG FileNameLength;   
    union {   
        struct {   
            WCHAR FileName[1];   
        } FileDirectoryInformationClass;   

        struct {   
            DWORD dwUknown1;   
            WCHAR FileName[1];   
        } FileFullDirectoryInformationClass;   

        struct {   
            DWORD dwUknown2;   
            USHORT AltFileNameLen;   
            WCHAR AltFileName[12];   
            WCHAR FileName[1];   
    } FileBothDirectoryInformationClass;   

// ntdll!NtQueryDirectoryFile (NT specific!)   
// The function searches a directory for a file whose name and attributes   
// match those specified in the function call.   
// NTAPI   
// NtQueryDirectoryFile(   
//    IN HANDLE FileHandle,                      // handle to the file   
//    IN HANDLE EventHandle OPTIONAL,   
//    IN PVOID ApcContext OPTIONAL,   
//    OUT PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock,   
//    OUT PVOID Buffer,                          // pointer to the buffer to receive the result   
//    IN ULONG BufferLength,                     // length of Buffer   
//    IN FILE_INFORMATION_CLASS InformationClass,// information type   
//    IN BOOLEAN ReturnByOne,                    // each call returns info for only one file   
//    IN PUNICODE_STRING FileTemplate OPTIONAL,  // template for search   
//    IN BOOLEAN Reset                           // restart search   
// );   
                                  UINT,BOOL,PUNICODE_STRING,BOOL );   

PROCNTQDF NtQueryDirectoryFile;   

void main(void)   
    LONG ntStatus;   
    IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatus;   
    HANDLE hPipe;   
    BOOL bReset = TRUE;   

    NtQueryDirectoryFile = (PROCNTQDF)GetProcAddress(   

    if (!NtQueryDirectoryFile)   

    hPipe = CreateFile("\\\\.\\Pipe\\",GENERIC_READ,   

   if(hPipe == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)   

   DirInfo = (PFILE_QUERY_DIRECTORY) new BYTE[1024];   

   printf("Pipe name (Number of instances, Maximum instances)\n\n");   
       ntStatus = NtQueryDirectoryFile(hPipe,NULL,NULL,NULL,&IoStatus,DirInfo,1024,   

       if (ntStatus!=NO_ERROR)   
          if (ntStatus == STATUS_NO_MORE_FILES)   


       TmpInfo = DirInfo;   
          // Store old values before we mangle the buffer
          const int endStringAt = TmpInfo->FileNameLength/sizeof(WCHAR);
          const WCHAR oldValue = TmpInfo->FileDirectoryInformationClass.FileName[endStringAt];

          // Place a null character at the end of the string so wprintf doesn't read past the end
          TmpInfo->FileDirectoryInformationClass.FileName[endStringAt] = NULL;   

          wprintf(L"%s (%d, %d)\n",TmpInfo->FileDirectoryInformationClass.FileName,   
                                   TmpInfo->AllocationSize.LowPart );   

          // Restore the buffer to its correct state
          TmpInfo->FileDirectoryInformationClass.FileName[endStringAt] = oldValue;


          TmpInfo = (PFILE_QUERY_DIRECTORY)((DWORD)TmpInfo+TmpInfo->NextEntryOffset);   

       bReset = FALSE;   

   delete DirInfo;   

like image 125
Grant Peters Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 16:09

Grant Peters

If you want a compiled tool that can do this for you, have a look at "PipeList" from SysInternals (owned by Microsoft).

Download Here

like image 26
Mick Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 16:09
