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enumerating all partitions in Mathematica

Like Select[Tuples[Range[0, n], d], Total[#] == n &], but faster?


Here are the 3 solutions and plot of their times, IntegerPartitions followed by Permutations seems to be fastest. Timing at 1, 7, 0.03 for recursive, FrobeniusSolve and IntegerPartition solutions respectively

partition[n_, 1] := {{n}};
partition[n_, d_] := 
    Map[Join[{k}, #] &, partition[n - k, d - 1]], {k, 0, n}], 1];
f[n_, d_, 1] := partition[n, d];
f[n_, d_, 2] := FrobeniusSolve[Array[1 &, d], n];
f[n_, d_, 3] := 
  Flatten[Permutations /@ IntegerPartitions[n, {d}, Range[0, n]], 1];
times = Table[First[Log[Timing[f[n, 8, i]]]], {i, 1, 3}, {n, 3, 8}];
ListLinePlot[times, PlotRange -> All, 
 PlotLegend -> {"Recursive", "Frobenius", "IntegerPartitions"}]
Exp /@ times[[All, 6]]
like image 757
Yaroslav Bulatov Avatar asked Aug 25 '10 07:08

Yaroslav Bulatov

People also ask

What is flatten in Mathematica?

Details. Flatten "unravels" lists, effectively just deleting inner braces. Flatten[list,n] effectively flattens the top level in list n times.

How many partitions of 8?

Among the 22 partitions of the number 8, there are 6 that contain only odd parts: 7 + 1. 5 + 3.

What are mathematical partitions?

A partition of a number is any combination of integers that adds up to that number. For example, 4 = 3+1 = 2+2 = 2+1+1 = 1+1+1+1, so the partition number of 4 is 5. It sounds simple, yet the partition number of 10 is 42, while 100 has more than 190 million partitions.

2 Answers

Your function:

In[21]:= g[n_, d_] := Select[Tuples[Range[0, n], d], Total[#] == n &]

In[22]:= Timing[g[15, 4];]

Out[22]= {0.219, Null}

Try FrobeniusSolve:

In[23]:= f[n_, d_] := FrobeniusSolve[ConstantArray[1, d], n]

In[24]:= Timing[f[15, 4];]

Out[24]= {0.031, Null}

The results are the same:

In[25]:= f[15, 4] == g[15, 4]

Out[25]= True

You can make it faster with IntegerPartitions, though you don't get the results in the same order:

In[43]:= h[n_, d_] := 
 Flatten[Permutations /@ IntegerPartitions[n, {d}, Range[0, n]], 1]

The sorted results are the same:

In[46]:= Sort[h[15, 4]] == Sort[f[15, 4]]

Out[46]= True

It is much faster:

In[59]:= {Timing[h[15, 4];], Timing[h[23, 5];]}

Out[59]= {{0., Null}, {0., Null}}

Thanks to phadej's fast answer for making me look again.

Note you only need the call to Permutations (and Flatten) if you actually want all the differently ordered permutations, i.e. if you want

In[60]:= h[3, 2]

Out[60]= {{3, 0}, {0, 3}, {2, 1}, {1, 2}}

instead of

In[60]:= etc[3, 2]

Out[60]= {{3, 0}, {2, 1}}
like image 70
Andrew Moylan Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 01:09

Andrew Moylan

partition[n_, 1] := {{n}}
partition[n_, d_] := Flatten[ Table[ Map[Join[{k}, #] &, partition[n - k, d - 1]], {k, 0, n}], 1]

This is even quicker than FrobeniusSolve :)

Edit: If written in Haskell, it's probably clearer what is happening - functional as well:

partition n 1 = [[n]]
partition n d = concat $ map outer [0..n]
  where outer k = map (k:) $ partition (n-k) (d-1)
like image 24
phadej Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 01:09
