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Entity Framework 4: The selected stored procedure returns no columns

In my SP, I mix static SQL and dynamic SQL:

declare @result table
 RowNum bigint,
 Id_and_Title varchar(max),
 DaysLeft int,
 cat_id int

then, in the dynamic SQL I insert the result to that table:

SET @TSQL = ......

(I use print @TSQL so I'm sure that the query is OK)

insert into @result
EXECUTE sp_executesql @TSQL

select * from @result

but, when I try to import taht SP in VS 2010 Ultimate I see the message as I mentioned in the title. What causes that ? For many times I've occured that error but I still don't know what causes that

like image 427
Tony Avatar asked Dec 17 '10 19:12


2 Answers

Try adding this line to the beginning of your stored procedure:
You can remove this after you have finished importing.

It's mentioned in this article (kind of a long way down) and it worked for me, although I have ended up going back to ADO.NET for the times when I am relying heavily on Stored Procedures. Bear in mind that if your columns change depending on the dynamic SQL your entity model will break.

like image 179
Aidan Black Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 13:12

Aidan Black

I don't know exactly what your return type is, but if you have a finite (and relatively small) number of return types, you can create a User-Defined Table Type and return that.

( ID bigint NOT NULL
  ,Field1 varchar(max) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AI NOT NULL
  ,Field2 bit NOT NULL
  ,Field3 varchar(500) NOT NULL

Then in the procedure:

DECLARE @tempTable dbo.T1

INSERT @tempTable (ID, Field1, Field2, Field3)
SELECT .....


SELECT * FROM @tempTable

Now EF should be able to recognize the returned columns type.

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Mauricio Ramalho Avatar answered Dec 05 '22 13:12

Mauricio Ramalho