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Entity Framework 4 search on combined fields

How do I search on two combined fields. The search should happen on the SQL end if possible.

So say I have a customer table with first name and last name. I would like users to be able to search on both of those columns using a single search box.

My query currently looks like this:

var query = DbContext.Customers
    .Where(c => c.FirstName.Contains(search) || c.LastName.Contains(search));

but it should be something like

var query = DbContext.Customers
     .Where(c => c.FullName.Contains(search));
like image 804
B Z Avatar asked Apr 25 '11 19:04


2 Answers

It is not possible unless you have FullName column also mapped. The way around this problem can be String.Concat which is allowed in Linq-to-entities:

var query = DbContext.Customers
                     .Where(p => String.Concat(p.FirstName, " ", p.LastName)
like image 126
Ladislav Mrnka Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 01:09

Ladislav Mrnka

You could use a computed column in the database and map that e.g.

alter table Customer add FullName AS FirstName + ' ' + LastName

(Not pretty I know)

like image 28
Adrian Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 01:09
