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EFCore 2.2 GroupBy Sum and DateDiff

I'm trying to translate the following SQL in to an EF Core query and I'm getting warnings that GroupBy and Sum will be evaluated locally. Is there anyway currently to write this that it will fully translate to SQL?

FROM StatusTransaction ST
    TeamManagerId = 1
    AND StartDate >= N'01-01-2019'
    AND ISNULL(EndDate,GETDATE()) <= N'01-02-2019'
GROUP BY UserId, ST.StatusId

And these are the EF queries I've used:

var efFunction = await context
    .Where(st => st.TeamManagerId == tmId && st.StartDate >= dateFrom && (st.EndDate ?? DateTime.Now) <= dateTo)
    .GroupBy(st => new { st.UserId, st.StatusId })
    .Select(g => new
            Time = g.Sum(st => Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EF.Functions.DateDiffMinute(st.StartDate, st.EndDate)) // null check not done on end date - (st.EndDate ?? DateTime.Now) causes an error here

var simpleDateSubtraction = await context
    .Where(st => st.TeamManagerId == tmId && st.StartDate >= dateFrom && (st.EndDate ?? DateTime.Now) <= dateTo)
    .GroupBy(st => new { st.UserId, st.StatusId })
    .Select(g => new
        Time = g.Sum(st => st.EndDate.Value.Subtract(st.StartDate).Minutes)// null check not done on end date - (st.EndDate ?? DateTime.Now) causes an error here

var groupBySimpleSum = await context
    .Where(st => st.TeamManagerId == tmId)
    .GroupBy(st => new { st.TeamManagerId, st.OperationsManagerId })
    .Select(g => new
        Foo = g.Sum(st => st.UserId) // nonsense but a simple column to sum, this translates fully to SQL
like image 338
lanky393 Avatar asked Feb 13 '19 12:02


People also ask

Is the groupby operator evaluated in memory in EF Core?

Before version 2.1, in EF Core the GroupBy LINQ operator would always be evaluated in memory. We now support translating it to the SQL GROUP BY clause in most common cases. There is nothing you can do in previous EF Core versions.

How to improve LINQ groupby translation in EF Core?

By default, EF Core will log a warning when client evaluation is performed. See here .Try to use RawSQL if it is inefficient. Show activity on this post. If possible, upgrade to EF Core 2.1 (or 2.2) in order to get improved LINQ GroupBy translation. Before version 2.1, in EF Core the GroupBy LINQ operator would always be evaluated in memory.

What is efef core trying to do with the data?

EF Core 2.2 is trying to bring all the data locally. **Here is the query getting generated** SELECT [adjDetail]. [QuotaId], [adjDetail].

How to call datediffday from a table in Entity Framework?

You would use EntityFunctions or DbFunctions DiffDays method. Using DbFunctions, accessed via EF.Functions, you can call DateDiffDay: var ans = from t in Table1 group t by 1 into tg select tg.Sum (r => EF.Functions.DateDiffDay (r.FromDate, r.ToDate)); My SQL to LINQ Recipe might help you with some translation issues in the future.

1 Answers

First, EF Core still doesn't support translating TimeSpan operations, and DateTime difference produces TimeSpan, hence EF.Functions.DateDiff methods are the right way to go.

Second, it still can translate GroupBy aggregates only on simple member accessor expressions. So you have to either pre Select the GroupBy expressions:

var query = context
    .Where(st => st.TeamManagerId == tmId
        && st.StartDate >= dateFrom
        && (st.EndDate ?? DateTime.Now) <= dateTo
    .Select(st => new
        Time = EF.Functions.DateDiffMinute(st.StartDate, st.EndDate ?? DateTime.Now)
    .GroupBy(st => new { st.UserId, st.StatusId })
    .Select(g => new
        Time = g.Sum(st => st.Time)

or use the GroupBy overload which allows pre selecting the source for the aggregates:

var query = context
    .Where(st => st.TeamManagerId == tmId
        && st.StartDate >= dateFrom
        && (st.EndDate ?? DateTime.Now) <= dateTo
    .GroupBy(st => new { st.UserId, st.StatusId }, st => new
        Time = EF.Functions.DateDiffMinute(st.StartDate, st.EndDate ?? DateTime.Now)
    .Select(g => new
        Time = g.Sum(st => st.Time)
like image 115
Ivan Stoev Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 21:09

Ivan Stoev