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entire program pauses when loop is broken

I have this code which makes a square move, but when i for example press the right arrow key then the left arrow key and release the right arrow key, the square pauses for a while and then just moves the left.

is there a way to get rid of this pause?

this is the code i have now:

let velocity = 10
let x = 375
let y = 225

    document.getElementById("square").style.left = x + "px";
    document.getElementById("square").style.top = y + "px";
}, 1)

var direction = ""
function currentDirection(movingToDirection){
    if(movingToDirection != direction){
        return true
    else {
        return false

function Sup() {
        direction = "Sup";
        var Sloopup = setInterval(function(){
            y -= velocity/10
        }, 1)

        window.Sloopup = Sloopup

function Sdown() {
        direction = "Sdown";
        var Sloopdown = setInterval(function(){
            y += velocity/10
        }, 1)

        window.Sloopdown = Sloopdown

function Sleft() {
        direction = "Sleft";
        var Sloopleft = setInterval(function(){
            x -= velocity/10
        }, 1)

        window.Sloopleft = Sloopleft

function Sright() {
        direction = "Sright";
        var Sloopright = setInterval(function(){
            x += velocity/10
        }, 1)

        window.Sloopright = Sloopright

function Break(Function) {
    direction = ""
    if (Function = "Sup") {
    } if (Function = "Sdown") {
    } if (Function = "Sleft") {
    } if (Function = "Sright") {

document.addEventListener("keydown", event => {
    if(event.key==="ArrowUp") {Sup()}
    if(event.key==="ArrowDown") {Sdown()}
    if(event.key==="ArrowLeft") {Sleft()}
    if(event.key==="ArrowRight") {Sright()}
document.addEventListener("keyup", event => {
    if(event.key==="ArrowUp") {Break("Sup")}
    if(event.key==="ArrowDown") {Break("Sdown")}
    if(event.key==="ArrowLeft") {Break("Sleft")}
    if(event.key==="ArrowRight") {Break("Sright")}

and I also have a online example:

Online example

Any help is very appreciated!

like image 728
a-bad-js-developer Avatar asked Dec 17 '20 21:12


2 Answers

Try this:

var Keys = {
  up: false,
  down: false,
  left: false,
  right: false

let y = 10;
let x = 10;

document.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => {
  if (event.key === "ArrowLeft") Keys.left = true;
  else if (event.key === "ArrowUp") Keys.up = true;
  else if (event.key === "ArrowRight") Keys.right = true;
  else if (event.key === "ArrowDown") Keys.down = true;

document.addEventListener("keyup", (event) => {
  if (event.key === "ArrowLeft") Keys.left = false;
  else if (event.key === "ArrowUp") Keys.up = false;
  else if (event.key === "ArrowRight") Keys.right = false;
  else if (event.key === "ArrowDown") Keys.down = false;

setInterval(() => {
  if (Keys.up) {
    y -= 1;
  } else if (Keys.down) {
    y += 1;

  if (Keys.left) {
    x -= 1;
  } else if (Keys.right) {
    x += 1;
}, 1);

setInterval(() => {
  document.getElementById("app").style.left = x + "px";
  document.getElementById("app").style.top = y + "px";
}, 1);

There might be some delay when you clear and set a new interval. Here I set 2 interval that keep listening to keydown, which you will need to clear later when the game ends

Here's the sandbox

like image 145
Robert Tirta Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09

Robert Tirta

so below my suggestion if I understand well your problem:

document.addEventListener("keydown", event => {

    // the issue occurs here, you have to disable all current keydown event

    if(event.key==="ArrowUp") {Sup()}
    if(event.key==="ArrowDown") {Sdown()}
    if(event.key==="ArrowLeft") {Sleft()}
    if(event.key==="ArrowRight") {Sright()}

BTW i tested it & it works, i hope that it helps you.

Good luck!

like image 38
Taha Lamti Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09

Taha Lamti