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urql useQuery's pause option doesn't freezes the request temporarily

I'm trying with the following code to execute urql useQuery only at once. But for some reason it is getting called on every re-render.

As per the docs https://formidable.com/open-source/urql/docs/basics/queries/#pausing-usequery this query should be paused initially on the render and it should only get executed when called from React.useEffect on mount.

const [{ fetching, data, error }, reExecute] = useQuery({
  pause: true

React.useEffect(() => {
}, []);

What could be the best way to execute query only at once using urql?

like image 787
Ankit Balyan Avatar asked Jul 22 '20 13:07

Ankit Balyan

1 Answers

Urql maintainer here, I'd assume if the component keeps remounting that something extra is happening. This hook should never make the wrapping component remount.

That being said you can always utilize the useClient hook to get the urql-client and then use client.query().toPromise() in that hook and use the returned result.

In your case this could be:

const MyComponent = () => {
  const client = useClient();
  useEffect(() => {
     ).toPromise().then(result => /* do something */)
  }, [])
like image 84
jovi De Croock Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09

jovi De Croock