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Engine run configuration was invalid



The flutter APP stays on the startup page.

IOS online installation stays on the startup page.


14:00:06 Hui-teki-iPhone Runner →  <Warning>: Failed to find snapshot: /var/containers/Bundle/Application/2F947DB6-005F-4E6D-ACEB-96E82F201FCC/Runner.app/flutter_assets/kernel_blob.bin
14:00:07 Hui-teki-iPhone Runner →  <Warning>: 沙盒目录 = /var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/8E7D0844-BDDC-499A-A885-5E4A0AFBF6F1/Documents
14:00:07 Hui-teki-iPhone Runner →  <Alert>: [VERBOSE-2:engine.cc(112)] Engine run configuration was invalid.
14:00:07 Hui-teki-iPhone Runner →  <Alert>: [VERBOSE-2:FlutterEngine.mm(261)] Could not launch engine with configuration.

A flutter application, the computer installation is fine, the online installation stays on the startup page.

like image 704
J.hui Avatar asked Jan 02 '19 06:01


1 Answers

I had same problem when I was back to stable channel that used an old engine respect to master channel.

Try to use master channel:

flutter channel master
flutter upgrade
like image 111
andrea689 Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 16:10
