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Flutter GetX Get.back() or navigator.pop() deletes controller from memory and can not recreate it

I have two pages: HomePage and DetailsPage and associated GetxControllers.


class HomePage extends GetView<HomeController> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(title: Text('HomePage')),
      body: Container(
        child: Obx(
          () => ListView.builder(
            itemCount: controller.task.length,
            itemBuilder: (context, index) {
              return ListTile(
                leading: Text('${index + 1}'),
                title: Text(controller.task[index]["name"]),
                onTap: () {
                    arguments: controller.task[index]["name"],


class HomeController extends GetxController {
  final TaskRepository repository;
  HomeController({@required this.repository}) : assert(repository != null);

  final _task = [].obs;
  set task(value) => this._task.assignAll(value);
  get task => this._task;

  onInit() {

  getAllTask() {
    repository.getAll().then((value) => task = value);

As you can see the HomeController depends on a TaskRepository which is a mock repo.

And my DetailsPage:

class DetailsPage extends GetView<DetailsController> {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      body: Column(
        children: [
            onTap: () {
            child: Row(
              children: [
                Text('Go Back'),
            child: Center(
              child: Obx(
                () => Text(controller.taskDetail.value),


class DetailsController extends GetxController {
  final taskDetail = ''.obs;

  void onInit() {
    taskDetail.value = Get.arguments;

I have created an AppDependencies class to initialize the dependencies (controllers, repositories, API clients, etc.):

class AppDependencies {
  static Future<void> init() async {
    Get.lazyPut(() => HomeController(repository: Get.find()));
    Get.lazyPut(() => DetailsController());
    Get.lazyPut(() => TaskRepository(apiClient: Get.find()));
    Get.lazyPut(() => TaskClient());

I am initializing all the dependencies by calling AppDependencies.init() on main():

void main() async {
  await AppDependencies.init();

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return GetMaterialApp(
      title: 'Flutter Demo',
      theme: ThemeData(
        primarySwatch: Colors.blue,
      home: HomePage(),


DetailsPage first time

Going back to HomePage and then Going again to DetailsPage

As you can see on the third image, going back from DetailsPage to HomePage and going back to DetailsPage causes an exception saying:

"DetailsController" not found. You need to call "Get.put(DetailsController())" or "Get.lazyPut(()=>DetailsController())"

But I already did that on main(). I also tried with Get.put() instead of Get.lazyPut() but I found that for Get.put() any dependencies of any other dependency must be registered before the dependent one. For example, HomeController depends on TaskRepository so TaskRepository must be before HomeController if using Get.put() like:



And this is not what I want because I don't wanna track what comes before what manually. And I found that this causes if there's a back button (which almost every page has).

What I am doing wrong here?

like image 863
S. M. JAHANGIR Avatar asked Feb 10 '21 14:02


People also ask

How do I dispose of the GetX controller Flutter?

Move Get. put from being a field of MainScreen to inside its build() method. The Controller can then be disposed when MainScreen is popped.

Is GetX good for Flutter?

GetX has some great features out of the box, making it even easier to develop mobile applications in Flutter without any boilerplate code: Internationalization: translations with key-value maps, various language support, using translations with singulars, plurals, and parameters.

Can I use GETX without context in flutter?

However, if you want to write less code and speed up your development process, you can use GetX (also called Get). Furthermore, you can use routes, snack bars, dialogs, bottom sheets without context. The two code snippets below do the same thing: Navigating to a route named SomeScreen. Using Flutter’s Navigator:

How to prevent controller from being deleted when back is used?

You facing this issue because of when you use back at that time it remove or delete controller like : [GETX] "LoginController" onDelete () called For prevent this issue you need to create InitialBinding.

What is test_GETX in flutter?

a "basic" Controller and a GetView widget with specific tag taken from Get.parameters. both initialized from Binding class and GetPage definition. each list item will fire the same route with different tag as parameter. name: test_getx description: A new Flutter project.

How do I programmatically pop the navigator?

By programmatically, I mean by calling Navigator.pop (context); When you go back using any of the above method then it will do Navigator.pop (context) under the hood.

3 Answers

If you don't want to use fenix = true, you can use something like this for example in your click method:

try {
   ///find the controller and 
   ///crush here if it's not initialized
   final authController = Get.find<AuthController>();

   else {
     Get.lazyPut(() => AuthController());

} catch(e) {

   Get.lazyPut(() => AuthController());

About memory, important to consider of fenix param:

The internal register of [builder()] will remain in memory to recreate the Instance if the Instance has been removed with [Get.delete()]. Therefore, future calls to [Get.find()] will return the same Instance.

like image 85
Álvaro Agüero Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11

Álvaro Agüero

You need to bind all controller and the add in GetMaterialApp.

You facing this issue because of when you use back at that time it remove or delete controller like : [GETX] "LoginController" onDelete() called

For prevent this issue you need to create InitialBinding.


class InitialBinding implements Bindings {
  void dependencies() {
    Get.lazyPut(() => LoginController(LoginRepo()), fenix: true);
    Get.lazyPut(() => HomeController(HomeRepo()), fenix: true);

In Main method :

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    // Get.put(AppController());
    return GetMaterialApp(
      title: StringConst.APP_NAME,
      debugShowCheckedModeBanner: false,
      defaultTransition: Transition.rightToLeft,
      initialBinding: InitialBinding(),
      theme: ThemeData(
        primarySwatch: ColorConst.COLOR,
        visualDensity: VisualDensity.adaptivePlatformDensity,
      initialRoute: RoutersConst.initialRoute,
      getPages: routes(),


like image 22
webaddicted Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 01:11


Updated answer with Bindings:

You can achieve greater control of how how and when you controllers initialize with bindings and smart management. So if you need the onInit to fire every time you go the page you can do so with bindings. Setup a dedicated bindings class for your details page.

class DetailsPageBinding extends Bindings {
  void dependencies() {
    // any controllers you need for this page you can lazy init here without setting fenix to true

If you're not already using GetMaterialApp instead of MaterialApp you'll need to do so. I suggest throwing static const id = 'details_page'; on your page(s) so you don't have to mess with raw strings for routing.

A basic example of your GetMaterialApp would look like this.

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return GetMaterialApp(
      initialRoute: HomePage.id,
      title: 'Material App',
      getPages: [
        GetPage(name: HomePage.id, page: () => HomePage()),

// adding the new bindings class in the binding field below will link those controllers to the page and fire the dependancies override when you route to the page

        GetPage(name: DetailsPage.id, page: () => DetailsPage(), binding: DetailsPageBinding()),

Then you'll need to do your routing via


Original Answer:

Add fenix: true to your lazy init; Check the docs on lazyPut.

Get.lazyPut(() => HomeController(repository: Get.find()), fenix: true);
like image 41
Loren.A Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 01:11
