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Enforcing type of attribute parameter




Is there a way to enforce that a type parameter passed to an attribute implement specific interface?

public interface IExpectedInterface
    void InterfaceMethod();

public class MyCustomAttribute : Attribute
    public MyCustomAttribute(Type classType)

        _classType = classType;

    public void SomeMethod<T>() where T : IExpectedInterface, new()
        //var expectedType = Activator.CreateInstance(this._classType) as IExpectedInterface;
        var expectedType = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T)) as IExpectedInterface;

        if (expectedType == null)
            // Wrong type

            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Wrong type: {0} could not be created or converted to IActionAuthorization", _classType.ToString()));

        // Do something with expectedType


    private void ConfirmAssignedClassType()
        if (!typeof(IExpectedInterface).IsAssignableFrom(_classType))
            // Wrong type
            // Can we enforce it via language construct

            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Wrong type: {0} must implement IExpectedInterface", _classType.ToString()));

        if (this._classType.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes) == null)
            // Wrong type
            // Can we enforce it via language construct

            throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Wrong type: {0} must have parameter less constructor", _classType.ToString()));

    private Type _classType;

public class TestClass
    public void TestMethod1()

    public void TestMethod2()

public class TestClassImplementsExpectedInterface : IExpectedInterface
    public void InterfaceMethod()

public class TestClassDoesntImplementExpectedInterface
like image 717
amit_g Avatar asked May 27 '11 19:05


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An attribute is a variable of any type that is declared directly in a class. A parameter is a variable defined by the function that receives a value when it is called. An attribute is used with classes and objects. A parameter is used with a function or a method.

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In C#, attributes are classes that inherit from the Attribute base class. Any class that inherits from Attribute can be used as a sort of "tag" on other pieces of code. For instance, there is an attribute called ObsoleteAttribute . This is used to signal that code is obsolete and shouldn't be used anymore.

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1 Answers

Couldn't this be done with generics? (Edited -- cannot create a generic subclass of Attribute)

   public class MyAttribute: Attribute 
        private Type _ClassType;
        public MyAttribute(Type classType)
            _ClassType = classType;
        public void SomeMethod<T>() where T: IMyInterface
            var expectedType = Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(T)) as IMyInterface;
        // Do something with expectedType

And of course the other answer's translation to use "new" makes a lot of sense!

like image 64
Jamie Treworgy Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09

Jamie Treworgy