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End to end testing framework recommendations

I am in a new project that is looking to include an end to end testing framework. We want something flexible, I've used Fitnesse before and I think we need something similar to it.

We are also using Hudson CI and are looking for something that would integrate easily with it.

Is there a clear winner?

UPDATED: The system has many components, some of them are web services running on tomcat, there are a couple of NoSQL databases too, but no UI testing is required for the moment.

Please add a comment if further clarification on the project details is needed.

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Iker Jimenez Avatar asked Jan 21 '23 01:01

Iker Jimenez

1 Answers

The robot framework is a good keyword driven testing framework that we use for end to end integration testing. http://code.google.com/p/robotframework/

There is a plugin for jenkins (a fork of hudson) that is very useful. It reportedly works with hudson as well.

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Mark Irvine Avatar answered Jan 28 '23 10:01

Mark Irvine