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Encoding CGPoint struct with NSCoder



How do you encode and decode a CGPoint struct using NSCoder?

like image 722
mikechambers Avatar asked Jan 15 '09 19:01


2 Answers

To encode:

CGPoint point = /* point from somewhere */
NSValue *pointValue = [NSValue value:&point withObjCType:@encode(CGPoint)];
[coder encodeObject:pointValue forKey:@"point"];

To decode:

NSValue *decodedValue = [decoder decodeObjectForKey:@"point"];
CGPoint point;
[decodedValue getValue:&point];
like image 96
sbooth Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 22:10


Just an update for iOS developers. You can do the following in Cocoa Touch (but not in Cocoa):

[coder encodeCGPoint:myPoint forKey:@"myPoint"];
like image 28
Eric G Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 23:10

Eric G