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Enable-Migrations - Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Path'

I'm new to ASP.NET and am trying to set up a webAPI c# application with entity framework. But when I try to run the Enable-Migrations command on nuget-package-manager console, I'm getting the following error:

"Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Path' because it is null"

    enable-migrations : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Path' because it is 
    At line:1 char:1
    + enable-migrations -ContextTypeName SchoolDBContext
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidData: (:) [Enable-Migrations], 
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : 

I've tried uninstalling and re-installing entity framework but it still gives the same error.

How can I fix this?

like image 778
Piumi Perera Avatar asked Sep 25 '19 07:09

Piumi Perera

1 Answers

I had this error when using EntityFramework 6.3.0, downgrading it to 6.2.0 fix my issue.

like image 182
rjs123431 Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 03:09
