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Enable http2 on Nginx on Windows




I am using nginx version 1.10.3 on windows 7. I want to enable http2. I have added the following in the config file:

 server {
    listen       443 http2 ssl proxy_protocol;

When I start nginx server, I get the following error:

2017/02/15 14:34:33 [emerg] 8948#6892: the "http2" parameter requires 
ngx_http_v2_module in C:\Develop\Application\nginx-1.10.3/conf/nginx.conf:64

Line number 64 is the same as the line specified above.

How can I install ngx_http_v2_module on Windows?

like image 769
kosta Avatar asked Feb 15 '17 05:02


People also ask

How do I enable HTTP 2 support in nginx?

Configure NGINX for HTTP/2 SupportEdit the file containing the server block for the domain. Append the http2 keyword to the listen directives for both Ipv4 ( 443 ) and Ipv6 ( [::]:443 ), and add the line ssl_protocols TLSv1.

Does nginx support http2?

To run HTTP/2 on Nginx you must use Nginx version 1.9. 5 or later. Ensure that your site uses SSL/TLS encryption. Currently, browsers only support HTTP/2 on websites delivering content over HTTPS.

What is Default_server Nginx?

In the Nginx configuration file, the default_server option specifies the default server to which a client request with an unknown domain and an empty host field will be forwarded.

1 Answers

HTTP2 module is currently available only for Linux nginx-full builds.

Consider to use operating systems based on Debian or RHEL for this purpose.

Following command will help you to install nginx-full on Debian based OS:

apt-get install nginx-full
like image 148
Tural Ali Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09

Tural Ali