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Enable copy, cut, past window in a rich text box

I have a rich text box(richTextBox1) in my program as shown bellow. But when I right click on it, it doesn't pop up a “copy, cut, past” window. Can you please tell me how can I enable this “copy, cut, past” window in to my Rich Text Box? I am new to C#, please let me know step by step, if you know how to solve this

enter image description here

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D P. Avatar asked Sep 23 '13 18:09

D P.

People also ask

What is Rich Text Box control?

The RichTextBox control enables you to display or edit flow content including paragraphs, images, tables, and more. This topic introduces the TextBox class and provides examples of how to use it in both Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) and C#.

How do I make a text box rich?

Step 1: Create a RichTextBox control using the RichTextBox() constructor is provided by the RichTextBox class. // Creating a RichTextBox control RichTextBox box = new RichTextBox();

2 Answers

If you have more than one RichTextBox then you can use this extension method:

public static void AddContextMenu(this RichTextBox rtb) {     if (rtb.ContextMenuStrip == null)     {         ContextMenuStrip cms = new ContextMenuStrip()         {             ShowImageMargin = false         };          ToolStripMenuItem tsmiUndo = new ToolStripMenuItem("Undo");         tsmiUndo.Click += (sender, e) => rtb.Undo();         cms.Items.Add(tsmiUndo);          ToolStripMenuItem tsmiRedo = new ToolStripMenuItem("Redo");         tsmiRedo.Click += (sender, e) => rtb.Redo();         cms.Items.Add(tsmiRedo);          cms.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator());          ToolStripMenuItem tsmiCut = new ToolStripMenuItem("Cut");         tsmiCut.Click += (sender, e) => rtb.Cut();         cms.Items.Add(tsmiCut);          ToolStripMenuItem tsmiCopy = new ToolStripMenuItem("Copy");         tsmiCopy.Click += (sender, e) => rtb.Copy();         cms.Items.Add(tsmiCopy);          ToolStripMenuItem tsmiPaste = new ToolStripMenuItem("Paste");         tsmiPaste.Click += (sender, e) => rtb.Paste();         cms.Items.Add(tsmiPaste);          ToolStripMenuItem tsmiDelete = new ToolStripMenuItem("Delete");         tsmiDelete.Click += (sender, e) => rtb.SelectedText = "";         cms.Items.Add(tsmiDelete);          cms.Items.Add(new ToolStripSeparator());          ToolStripMenuItem tsmiSelectAll = new ToolStripMenuItem("Select All");         tsmiSelectAll.Click += (sender, e) => rtb.SelectAll();         cms.Items.Add(tsmiSelectAll);          cms.Opening += (sender, e) =>         {             tsmiUndo.Enabled = !rtb.ReadOnly && rtb.CanUndo;             tsmiRedo.Enabled = !rtb.ReadOnly && rtb.CanRedo;             tsmiCut.Enabled = !rtb.ReadOnly && rtb.SelectionLength > 0;             tsmiCopy.Enabled = rtb.SelectionLength > 0;             tsmiPaste.Enabled = !rtb.ReadOnly && Clipboard.ContainsText();             tsmiDelete.Enabled = !rtb.ReadOnly && rtb.SelectionLength > 0;             tsmiSelectAll.Enabled = rtb.TextLength > 0 && rtb.SelectionLength < rtb.TextLength;         };          rtb.ContextMenuStrip = cms;     } } 

And use it like this: richTextBox1.AddContextMenu();

Screenshot: screenshot

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Jaex Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 07:10


Try with this code


        private void richTextBox1_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)         {             if (e.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right)             {   //click event                 //MessageBox.Show("you got it!");                 ContextMenu contextMenu = new System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenu();                 MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItem("Cut");                 menuItem.Click += new EventHandler(CutAction);                 contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(menuItem);                 menuItem = new MenuItem("Copy");                 menuItem.Click += new EventHandler(CopyAction);                 contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(menuItem);                 menuItem = new MenuItem("Paste");                 menuItem.Click += new EventHandler(PasteAction);                 contextMenu.MenuItems.Add(menuItem);                  richTextBox1.ContextMenu = contextMenu;             }         }         void CutAction(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             richTextBox1.Cut();         }          void CopyAction(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             Graphics objGraphics;             Clipboard.SetData(DataFormats.Rtf, richTextBox1.SelectedRtf);             Clipboard.Clear();         }          void PasteAction(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             if (Clipboard.ContainsText(TextDataFormat.Rtf))             {                 richTextBox1.SelectedRtf                     = Clipboard.GetData(DataFormats.Rtf).ToString();             }         }  

if you want to copy paste with another application like notepad (without styles ) please replace following methods

       void CopyAction(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             Clipboard.SetText(richTextBox1.SelectedText);         }          void PasteAction(object sender, EventArgs e)         {             if (Clipboard.ContainsText())             {                 richTextBox1.Text                     += Clipboard.GetText(TextDataFormat.Text).ToString();             }         }   
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Thilina H Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 06:10

Thilina H