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Emulating Bash 'source' in Python




I have a script that looks something like this:

export foo=/tmp/foo                                          
export bar=/tmp/bar

Every time I build I run 'source init_env' (where init_env is the above script) to set up some variables.

To accomplish the same in Python I had this code running,

reg = re.compile('export (?P<name>\w+)(\=(?P<value>.+))*')
for line in open(file):
    m = reg.match(line)
    if m:
        name = m.group('name')
        value = ''
        if m.group('value'):
            value = m.group('value')
        os.putenv(name, value)

But then someone decided it would be nice to add a line like the following to the init_env file:

export PATH="/foo/bar:/bar/foo:$PATH"     

Obviously my Python script fell apart. I could modify the Python script to handle this line, but then it'll just break later on when someone comes up with a new feature to use in the init_env file.

The question is if there is an easy way to run a Bash command and let it modify my os.environ?

like image 882
getekha Avatar asked Aug 17 '10 14:08


People also ask

Can you run bash in Python?

It provides different methods and classes for the same. There are mainly one method and one class to know about from the subprocess module. They are run and Popen. These two help us to execute the bash commands in Python scripts.

How do I run a Python source?

The most basic and easy way to run a Python script is by using the python command. You need to open a command line and type the word python followed by the path to your script file, like this: python first_script.py Hello World! Then you hit the ENTER button from the keyboard and that's it.

How do I run a shell script in Python?

If you need to execute a shell command with Python, there are two ways. You can either use the subprocess module or the RunShellCommand() function. The first option is easier to run one line of code and then exit, but it isn't as flexible when using arguments or producing text output.

3 Answers

The problem with your approach is that you are trying to interpret bash scripts. First you just try to interpret the export statement. Then you notice people are using variable expansion. Later people will put conditionals in their files, or process substitutions. In the end you will have a full blown bash script interpreter with a gazillion bugs. Don't do that.

Let Bash interpret the file for you and then collect the results.

You can do it like this:

#! /usr/bin/env python

import os
import pprint
import shlex
import subprocess

command = shlex.split("env -i bash -c 'source init_env && env'")
proc = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout = subprocess.PIPE)
for line in proc.stdout:
  (key, _, value) = line.partition("=")
  os.environ[key] = value


Make sure that you handle errors in case bash fails to source init_env, or bash itself fails to execute, or subprocess fails to execute bash, or any other errors.

the env -i at the beginning of the command line creates a clean environment. that means you will only get the environment variables from init_env. if you want the inherited system environment then omit env -i.

Read the documentation on subprocess for more details.

Note: this will only capture variables set with the export statement, as env only prints exported variables.


Note that the Python documentation says that if you want to manipulate the environment you should manipulate os.environ directly instead of using os.putenv(). I consider that a bug, but I digress.

like image 152
Lesmana Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 05:10


Using pickle:

import os, pickle
# For clarity, I moved this string out of the command
source = 'source init_env'
dump = '/usr/bin/python -c "import os,pickle;print pickle.dumps(os.environ)"'
penv = os.popen('%s && %s' %(source,dump))
env = pickle.loads(penv.read())
os.environ = env


This uses json, subprocess, and explicitly uses /bin/bash (for ubuntu support):

import os, subprocess as sp, json
source = 'source init_env'
dump = '/usr/bin/python -c "import os, json;print json.dumps(dict(os.environ))"'
pipe = sp.Popen(['/bin/bash', '-c', '%s && %s' %(source,dump)], stdout=sp.PIPE)
env = json.loads(pipe.stdout.read())
os.environ = env
like image 44
Brian Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 04:10


Rather than having your Python script source the bash script, it would be simpler and more elegant to have a wrapper script source init_env and then run your Python script with the modified environment.

source init_env
like image 27
John Kugelman Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 05:10

John Kugelman