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Ember.js: View listening for keypress event

In my application I have a panel which contains some settings information. This panel is opened/closed with a button click, but I'd also like to be able to close it by hitting esc on the keyboard.

The code for my View looks like this:

Social.MainPanelView = Ember.View.extend({
    elementId: 'panel-account-settings',
    classNames: ['panel', 'closed'],
    keypress: function(e){
    close: function(){

I've tried keyup and keydown as well but nothing happens. I suspect that it's because that this isn't an "input" type View but just a standard view. So how can I trigger a method on a View from a key event?

I should clarify that this is not within the context of a Route for this particular element. I'm opening the panel standalone as can be seen in this video:



Here's a quick fiddle that I've created to illustrate the issue I'm having. I can get the click event to trigger quite easily, but I'm looking for a page wide keyup event that will detect the esc key being pressed and trigger a method on a specific View:

like image 518
commadelimited Avatar asked Mar 11 '13 19:03


People also ask

How can I listen for keypress event on the whole page?

For this, you have to import HostListener in your component ts file. import { HostListener } from '@angular/core'; then use below function anywhere in your component ts file. @HostListener('document:keyup', ['$event']) handleDeleteKeyboardEvent(event: KeyboardEvent) { if(event.

How do you get the value of a Keydown event?

The simple solution: just use the keyup event (and not the keydown event). This will give you the latest value after the user typed the latest character. That resolves the issue.

What is the difference between keypress () and Keydown ()?

keydown – fires when any key is pressed down, fires first, and always before the browser processes the key (e.g. inserting text, moving focus, etc). keypress – fires when a key that produces a character value is pressed down, fires after keydown , and before the browser processes the key.

What function do we use to detect keypress events?

To detect only whether the user has pressed a key, use the onkeydown event instead, because it works for all keys.

2 Answers

For keyPress to work, you have to bring focus to the view. When it is an input, it works because you are bringing focus to it.

Something like this:

App = Em.Application.create();

App.IndexController = Em.Controller.extend({
  updateKey: function(keyCode) {
    // Do what you gotta do
    this.set('shortcutKey', keyCode);
  shortcutKey: null

App.IndexView = Em.View.extend({
  didInsertElement: function() {
    return this.$().attr({ tabindex: 1 }), this.$().focus();

  keyDown: function(e) {

    this.get('controller').send('updateKey', e.keyCode);

Here are a working example: http://jsbin.com/ihuzov/1

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fabriciotav Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 22:10


I think you have misspelled the keypress event. It should be keyPress. For sake of completeness, the following are the events that can be handled by a View (taken from Ember source/doc):

Event Names

Possible events names for any of the responding approaches described above are:

Touch events:

  • touchStart
  • touchMove
  • touchEnd
  • touchCancel

    Keyboard events

  • keyDown

  • keyUp
  • keyPress

    Mouse events

  • mouseDown

  • mouseUp
  • contextMenu
  • click
  • doubleClick
  • mouseMove
  • focusIn
  • focusOut
  • mouseEnter
  • mouseLeave

    Form events:

  • submit

  • change
  • focusIn
  • focusOut
  • input

    HTML5 drag and drop events:

  • dragStart

  • drag
  • dragEnter
  • dragLeave
  • drop
  • dragEnd
like image 42
mavilein Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 22:10
