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Ember Controller lifecycle hooks



I know there is an init hook but it seems that the view it not setup properly at that stage. I need to hook into the event once the screen is setup properly from the controller.

Where is the documentation on all the controller and route lifecylce hooks. I found the ones for the View only:

like image 750
jax Avatar asked Aug 08 '14 00:08


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1 Answers

In ember controllers lifecycle is not very clearly defined as the controller does not serve much purpose other than making the variables available to the template.

Controller has few hooks 2 of them are

  1. init - initialise with default values, its called only once.
  2. willDestroy - hook for any view teardown

Router hooks can be of two types when you enter in the route and when you leave it.

Router hooks

Startup Hooks

  1. beforeModel
  2. model
  3. afterModel
  4. redirect
  5. activate
  6. setupController
  7. renderTemplate

Shutdown Hooks

  1. deactivate

  2. resetController

like image 84
vikasnautiyal Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 00:09
