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Embedded linux and busybox

I need to incorporate the Busybox package in an embedded Linux system.

For this, I wonder if it is possible to compile the Linux kernel along with the Busybox incorporated in the build process so that it is included in initramfs and loaded in RAM in the boot process.

I have been looking for info about this but I don't think I found the answer.

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Jorge Avatar asked Jan 11 '23 08:01


2 Answers

Another option is the Yocto project, which uses bitbake and the OpenEmbedded metadata. It is well-documented and very flexible, but has a fairly steep learning curve.

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Robert Calhoun Avatar answered Jan 17 '23 14:01

Robert Calhoun

You can use Buildroot, that's a buildsystem that downloads the linux kernel, manages rootfs, integrates BusyBox, and much much more. From my opinion it's the easiest way to get an embedded Linux/BusyBox system.

Here's their homepage: http://buildroot.uclibc.org/

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user3085931 Avatar answered Jan 17 '23 14:01
