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Embed UIViewController Programmatically?

I have a Storyboard setup with a UIViewController with an container view so that I can embed another UIViewController inside of it.

In a certain scenario I need to change the embedded view controller. In my storyboard I cannot have two segues from my container view (only a single embed segue). Which leads me to doing it programatically.

I have my container view in my storyboard with no connected embed segue.

Now from this point, how can I programmatically embed my chosen UIViewController object?

like image 773
Josh Kahane Avatar asked Aug 23 '15 11:08

Josh Kahane

People also ask

What is the difference between viewController and UIViewController?

An UIViewController is just the base class of this already defined "View Controller", you add a viewController as you said, but a viewController has a class associated to it, that can be a UIViewController, UITableViewController, or variations/subclasses.

How do you add embed segue to a storyboard?

To create a segue between view controllers in the same storyboard file, Control-click an appropriate element in the first view controller and drag to the target view controller. The starting point of a segue must be a view or object with a defined action, such as a control, bar button item, or gesture recognizer.

1 Answers

You can do this by programmatically, below is the method which will take a bool value to make decision which view controller need to be added in container view and then will instantiate an object and after that will add it to containerView

- (void)addViewControllerToContainerView:(BOOL)addVC1 { // Get storyboard UIStoryboard *storyBoard = [UIStoryboard storyboardWithName:@"<name of storyboard>" bundle:[NSBundle mainBundle]];     UIViewController *viewController = nil;     if (addVC1)     { // get viewController with identifier          viewController = [storyBoard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"<View Controller 1 Identifier>"];     }     else     {         viewController = [storyBoard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"<View Controller 2 Identifier>"];     } // lets add it to container view     [viewController willMoveToParentViewController:self];     [self.view addSubview:viewController.view];     [self addChildViewController:viewController];     [viewController didMoveToParentViewController:self]; // keep reference of viewController which may be useful when you need to remove it from container view, lets consider you have a property name as containerViewController     self.containerViewController = viewController; } 

When you need remove view controller from container view controller you can do this

   [self.containerViewController willMoveToParentViewController:nil];  // 1       self.containerViewController.view removeFromSuperView];    [self.containerViewController removeFromParentViewController];//this line is updated as view is removed from parent view cotnroller istead of its viewcontroller is removed from parentViewController     self.containerViewController = nil 

Apple docs about container view controllers

like image 157
Adnan Aftab Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 15:10

Adnan Aftab