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Is Wi-Fi Direct connection possible within iOS devices and among Wi-Fi Direct enabled devices?

Is Wi-Fi Direct connection possible within iOS devices and among Wi-Fi Direct enabled devices?

The objective is to enable communication between an iOS device and another device (not necessarily another iOS device. It could be Android, Mac, PC) without the presence of any controllers. (WAPs).

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RK- Avatar asked Mar 21 '12 06:03


People also ask

Does Wi-Fi Direct work on iOS?

You can connect an iPhone or iPad directly to your product without using a wireless router or access point. To use this feature, your iOS device must have the following installed: iOS 11 or later.

What is Wi-Fi Direct iOS?

Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Wi-Fi Direct®enables Wi-Fi devices to connect directly to each other, making it simple and convenient to print, share, sync, play games, and display content to another device. Wi-Fi Direct devices connect to one another without joining a traditional home, office, or public network.

Does Wi-Fi Direct work with iPad?

Follow these steps to set up the Wi-Fi Direct feature:Establish a connection with the iPhone or iPad. Keep the TV on the screen that displays the WPA key (password) to be input into the mobile device. Select Wi-Fi in the mobile device's settings to turn on the Wi-Fi.

Can we share Wi-Fi through Wi-Fi Direct?

Products certified Wi-Fi Direct can connect to other wireless devices without joining a traditional wireless network or Wi-Fi hotspot. Ensure your Wi-Fi is enabled as you will need to turn this setting on to access your Wi-Fi Direct settings as well as share files wirelessly.

1 Answers

iOS devices can connect to an ad-hoc network, and if they do so they will have full wireless network capabilities. The limitation is with creating an ad-hoc network from the device itself, which is not allowed/not possible.

An alternative would be to use the GameKit/Game Center API which uses Bluetooth to create a network between iOS devices. This would obviously include the more limited range of Bluetooth vs Wifi, as well as the constraints of Apple's SDK.

More information on Game Center in iOS 6 is available here: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/GameKit_Guide/Introduction/Introduction.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40008304

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doublesharp Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 15:11
