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Emacs ordered lists in org-mode




Is it possible to create nesting ordered lists in org-mode:

1. task-1
1.1. task-1-1
1.2. task-1-2
1.2.1. task-1-2-1

With the ability to hide them with tab and attach TODO and DONE keywords? Cause it's always handy to know, how many tasks do we have to do and how many are left.

like image 988
user4035 Avatar asked Nov 14 '12 11:11


1 Answers

Yes it is, just go on and nest them, by indenting them a little bit more at each level :

* The almighty header
  - item 1
  - item 2
    - item 2.1
    - item 2.2
      - item 2.2.1
    - item 2.3
  - item 3

That's all tab-able.

For keywords and counting, I suppose you're referring to statistic cookies (see this answer).

Just add checkbokes to your list items ([ ] for todo and [X] for done), and place a counter ([/] or [%]) on the heading. Update it with C-c C-c.

 * The almighty header [1/3]
   - [X] item 1
   - [ ] item 2
     - [X] item 2.1
     - [X] item 2.2
       - [X] item 2.2.1
     - [ ] item 2.3
   - [ ] item 3

As is, it counts just the first sub-level, but you can set the org-hierarchical-todo-statistics variable if you want it differently.

As for genuine TODO keywords for list items, as far as I know, that's just a big NO : if you need them, use headers instead of lists, or inlinetasks.

like image 66
Nikana Reklawyks Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09

Nikana Reklawyks