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Emacs Dired rename many files




How to rename from:




How to switch parts of filenames?

like image 872
PascalVKooten Avatar asked Apr 08 '13 14:04


People also ask

How do I rename a lot of files at once?

To rename multiple files from File Explorer, select all the files you wish to rename, then press the F2 key. The name of the last file will become highlighted. Type the new name you wish to give to every file, then press Enter.

Is there a program that can rename multiple files at once?

PowerRename is a bulk renaming tool that enables you to: Modify the file names of a large number of files, without giving all of the files the same name. Perform a search and replace on a targeted section of file names. Perform a regular expression rename on multiple files.

2 Answers

This can easily be done using dired:

  1. Enter a dired view of your directory

  2. Switch to writable dired mode (wdired-change-to-wdired-mode): C-xC-q

  3. Edit the file names listing as if it were a normal buffer (for example using a keyboard macro or a rectangular selection or query-replace). Here is a regexp-based solution:


  4. Finish editing (wdired-finish-edit): C-xC-s or C-cC-c

You're done!

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François Févotte Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 14:09

François Févotte

You could also use Magnar Sveen's multiple-cursors from here, github link.

Switch to writable dired, select the files you want to rename, M-x mc/edit-lines. This should create multiple cursor each with its own kill history.

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ᐅdevrimbaris Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09
