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'Element is already the child of another element' error in Silverlight App.xaml

I keep getting a strange error inside my App.xaml file:

Element is already the child of another element.

My App.xaml file looks like this:

<Application xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"
                <ResourceDictionary Source="ProvisiorResourceDictionary.xaml"/>

The error is reported for the entire ResourceDictionary element (from lines 5 to 9).

ProvisiorResourceDictionary.xaml contains a number of styles and templates. Nothing exciting in my opinion.

Does anyone know what is wrong?

Kind regards,

Ronald Wildenberg

like image 740
Ronald Wildenberg Avatar asked Nov 13 '09 08:11

Ronald Wildenberg

1 Answers

I found the cause of the problem myself, thanks to the hints provided in the comment by AnthonyWJones.

It appears everything inside a Silverlight resource dictionary must be shareable. The reason is that items inside a resource dictionary will (probably) be added at multiple locations in the control hierarchy.

I had two items inside my resource dictionary that were not shareable.

EDIT: In WPF, you can use the x:Shared attribute on objects inside a resource dictionary to force WPF to create a new instance for every resource retrieval. Unfortunately, Silverlight does not support this attribute.

like image 141
Ronald Wildenberg Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 05:09

Ronald Wildenberg