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Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) and Route 53 in AWS [closed]

I'm new to AWS and just started learning it.

Load Balancing is something that is common which we will use for load distribution when we have multiple servers.

Here, when I learnt about Route 53 in AWS, it sounds similar to load balancing. Although we can do more with Route53 (like A , CNAME , ALIAS etc.,). My doubt is, can we use weighted or latency or failover based routing policy instead of load balancer? Is it possible to reduce the cost incurred for ELB if we are using Route53? How effective will it be and what are the drawbacks?

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Arun Palanisamy Avatar asked Aug 02 '19 07:08

Arun Palanisamy

People also ask

What is difference between ELB and Route 53?

ELB distributes traffic among Multiple Availability Zone but not to multiple Regions. Route53 can distribute traffic among multiple Regions. In short, ELBs are intended to load balance across EC2 instances in a single region whereas DNS load-balancing (Route53) is intended to help balance traffic across regions.

What happens if Elastic load balancer goes down?

If your load balancer now loses its internet connection, power, or breaks for any reason, you will now lose connection to all of your backend servers. We call this moving up the single point of failure, as you have moved the single point of failure up from the application servers to the load balancer.

Can we use Route 53 as load balancer?

Yes. Associating multiple IP addresses with a single record is often used for balancing the load of geographically-distributed web servers. Amazon Route 53 allows you to list multiple IP addresses for an A record and responds to DNS requests with the list of all configured IP addresses.

What are the 3 types of load balancers in AWS?

Elastic Load Balancing supports the following types of load balancers: Application Load Balancers, Network Load Balancers, and Classic Load Balancers.

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1 Answers

Both Route53 and ELB are used to distribute the network traffic. These AWS services appear similar but there are minor differences between them.

  1. ELB distributes traffic among Multiple Availability Zone but not to multiple Regions. Route53 can distribute traffic among multiple Regions. In short, ELBs are intended to load balance across EC2 instances in a single region whereas DNS load-balancing (Route53) is intended to help balance traffic across regions.

  2. Both Route53 and ELB perform health check and route traffic to only healthy resources. Route53 weighted routing has health checks and removes unhealthy targets from its list. However, DNS is cached so unhealthy targets will still be in the visitors cache for some time. On the other hand, ELB is not cached and will remove unhealthy targets from the target group immediately.

Use both Route53 and ELB: Route53 provides integration with ELB. You can use both Route53 and ELB in your AWS infrastructure. If you have AWS resources in multiple regions, you can use Route53 to balance the load among those regions. Inside the region, you can use ELB to load balance among the instances running in various Availability Zones.

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ThomasVdBerge Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10
