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Efficiently sum across multiple columns in R




I have the following condensed data set:

a<-as.data.frame(c(2000:2005)) a$Col1<-c(1:6) a$Col2<-seq(2,12,2)  colnames(a)<-c("year","Col1","Col2")  for (i in 1:2){   a[[paste("Var_", i, sep="")]]<-i*a[[paste("Col", i, sep="")]] } 

I would like to sum the columns Var1 and Var2, which I use:

a$sum<-a$Var_1 + a$Var_2 

In reality my data set is much larger - I would like to sum from Var_1 to Var_n (n can be upto 20). There must be a more efficient way to do this than:

 a$sum<-a$Var_1 + ... + a$Var_n 
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user2568648 Avatar asked Mar 12 '15 09:03


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To efficiently calculate the sum of the rows of a data frame subset, we can use the rowSums function as shown below: The result of the addition of the variables x1, x2, and x4 is shown in the RStudio console. Do you want to learn more about sums and data frames in R?

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2 Answers

Here's a solution using the tidyverse. You can extend it to as many columns as you like using the select() function to select the appropriate columns within a mutate().

library(tidyverse)  a<-as.data.frame(c(2000:2005)) a$Col1<-c(1:6) a$Col2<-seq(2,12,2)  colnames(a)<-c("year","Col1","Col2")  for (i in 1:2){     a[[paste("Var_", i, sep="")]]<-i*a[[paste("Col", i, sep="")]] } a #>   year Col1 Col2 Var_1 Var_2 #> 1 2000    1    2     1     4 #> 2 2001    2    4     2     8 #> 3 2002    3    6     3    12 #> 4 2003    4    8     4    16 #> 5 2004    5   10     5    20 #> 6 2005    6   12     6    24  # Tidyverse solution a %>%     mutate(Total = select(., Var_1:Var_2) %>% rowSums(na.rm = TRUE)) #>   year Col1 Col2 Var_1 Var_2 Total #> 1 2000    1    2     1     4     5 #> 2 2001    2    4     2     8    10 #> 3 2002    3    6     3    12    15 #> 4 2003    4    8     4    16    20 #> 5 2004    5   10     5    20    25 #> 6 2005    6   12     6    24    30 

Created on 2019-01-01 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

like image 69
Matt Dancho Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 16:09

Matt Dancho

You can use colSums(a[,c("Var1", "Var2")]) or rowSums(a[,c("Var_1", "Var_2")]). In your case you want the latter.

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psoares Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 16:09
