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efficiently checking that all the elements of a (big) list are the same





Let us suppose that we have a list xs (possibly a very big one), and we want to check that all its elements are the same.

I came up with various ideas:

Solution 0

checking that all elements in tail xs are equal to head xs:

allTheSame :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Bool allTheSame xs = and $ map (== head xs) (tail xs) 

Solution 1

checking that length xs is equal to the length of the list obtained by taking elements from xs while they're equal to head xs

allTheSame' :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Bool allTheSame' xs = (length xs) == (length $ takeWhile (== head xs) xs) 

Solution 2

recursive solution: allTheSame returns True if the first two elements of xs are equal and allTheSame returns True on the rest of xs

allTheSame'' :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Bool allTheSame'' xs   | n == 0 = False   | n == 1 = True   | n == 2 = xs !! 0 == xs !! 1   | otherwise = (xs !! 0 == xs !! 1) && (allTheSame'' $ snd $ splitAt 2 xs)     where  n = length xs 

Solution 3

divide and conquer:

allTheSame''' :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Bool allTheSame''' xs   | n == 0 = False   | n == 1 = True   | n == 2 = xs !! 0 == xs !! 1   | n == 3 = xs !! 0 == xs !! 1 && xs !! 1 == xs !! 2   | otherwise = allTheSame''' (fst split) && allTheSame''' (snd split)     where n = length xs           split = splitAt (n `div` 2) xs 

Solution 4

I just thought about this while writing this question:

allTheSame'''' :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Bool allTheSame'''' xs = all (== head xs) (tail xs) 


  1. I think Solution 0 is not very efficient, at least in terms of memory, because map will construct another list before applying and to its elements. Am I right?

  2. Solution 1 is still not very efficient, at least in terms of memory, because takeWhile will again build an additional list. Am I right?

  3. Solution 2 is tail recursive (right?), and it should be pretty efficient, because it will return False as soon as (xs !! 0 == xs !! 1) is False. Am I right?

  4. Solution 3 should be the best one, because it complexity should be O(log n)

  5. Solution 4 looks quite Haskellish to me (is it?), but it's probably the same as Solution 0, because all p = and . map p (from Prelude.hs). Am I right?

  6. Are there other better ways of writing allTheSame? Now, I expect someone will answer this question telling me that there's a build-in function that does this: I've searched with hoogle and I haven't found it. Anyway, since I'm learning Haskell, I believe that this was a good exercise for me :)

Any other comment is welcome. Thank you!

like image 990
MarcoS Avatar asked May 25 '11 07:05


People also ask

How do you check if all elements in a list are the same?

You can convert the list to a set. A set cannot have duplicates. So if all the elements in the original list are identical, the set will have just one element. if len(set(input_list)) == 1: # input_list has all identical elements.

How do you check if all elements are the same in list Python?

Here is a simple code with that you can check if all the elements of the list are same using the inbuilt set() method. listChar = ['z','z','z','z'] if(len(set(listChar))==1): print "All elements in list are same." else: print "All elements in list are not same."

How do you know if a list value is unique?

Using a set In Python, you can compare the length of the list and the length of the set resulting from the list to check if all the elements in the list are unique. If the length of the list is the same as the length of the set resulting from the list, you can say that the list contains only unique elements.

How do you check the type of an element in a list Python?

The most straightforward way to get the number of elements in a list is to use the Python built-in function len() . As the name function suggests, len() returns the length of the list, regardless of the types of elements in it.

2 Answers

gatoatigrado's answer gives some nice advice for measuring the performance of various solutions. Here is a more symbolic answer.

I think solution 0 (or, exactly equivalently, solution 4) will be the fastest. Remember that Haskell is lazy, so map will not have to construct the whole list before and is applied. A good way to build intuition about this is to play with infinity. So for example:

ghci> and $ map (< 1000) [1..] False 

This asks whether all numbers are less than 1,000. If map constructed the entire list before and were applied, then this question could never be answered. The expression will still answer quickly even if you give the list a very large right endpoint (that is, Haskell is not doing any "magic" depending on whether a list is infinite).

To start my example, let's use these definitions:

and [] = True and (x:xs) = x && and xs  map f [] = [] map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs  True && x = x False && x = False 

Here is the evaluation order for allTheSame [7,7,7,7,8,7,7,7]. There will be extra sharing that is too much of a pain to write down. I will also evaluate the head expression earlier than it would be for conciseness (it would have been evaluated anyway, so it's hardly different).

allTheSame [7,7,7,7,8,7,7,7] allTheSame (7:7:7:7:8:7:7:7:[]) and $ map (== head (7:7:7:7:8:7:7:7:[])) (tail (7:7:7:7:8:7:7:7:[])) and $ map (== 7)  (tail (7:7:7:7:8:7:7:7:[])) and $ map (== 7)          (7:7:7:8:7:7:7:[]) and $ (== 7) 7 : map (== 7) (7:7:8:7:7:7:[]) (== 7) 7 && and (map (== 7) (7:7:8:7:7:7:[])) True     && and (map (== 7) (7:7:8:7:7:7:[]))             and (map (== 7) (7:7:8:7:7:7:[])) (== 7) 7 && and (map (== 7)   (7:8:7:7:7:[])) True     && and (map (== 7)   (7:8:7:7:7:[]))             and (map (== 7)   (7:8:7:7:7:[])) (== 7) 7 && and (map (== 7)     (8:7:7:7:[])) True     && and (map (== 7)     (8:7:7:7:[]))             and (map (== 7)     (8:7:7:7:[])) (== 7) 8 && and (map (== 7)       (7:7:7:[])) False    && and (map (== 7)       (7:7:7:[])) False 

See how we didn't even have to check the last 3 7's? This is lazy evaluation making a list work more like a loop. All your other solutions use expensive functions like length (which have to walk all the way to the end of the list to give an answer), so they will be less efficient and also they will not work on infinite lists. Working on infinite lists and being efficient often go together in Haskell.

like image 175
luqui Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 19:10


First of all, I don't think you want to be working with lists. A lot of your algorithms rely upon calculating the length, which is bad. You may want to consider the vector package, which will give you O(1) length compared to O(n) for a list. Vectors are also much more memory efficient, particularly if you can use Unboxed or Storable variants.

That being said, you really need to consider traversals and usage patterns in your code. Haskell's lists are very efficient if they can be generated on demand and consumed once. This means that you shouldn't hold on to references to a list. Something like this:

average xs = sum xs / length xs 

requires that the entire list be retained in memory (by either sum or length) until both traversals are completed. If you can do your list traversal in one step, it'll be much more efficient.

Of course, you may need to retain the list anyway, such as to check if all the elements are equal, and if they aren't, do something else with the data. In this case, with lists of any size you're probably better off with a more compact data structure (e.g. vector).

Now that this is out of they way, here's a look at each of these functions. Where I show core, it was generated with ghc-7.0.3 -O -ddump-simpl. Also, don't bother judging Haskell code performance when compiled with -O0. Compile it with the flags you would actually use for production code, typically at least -O and maybe other options too.

Solution 0

allTheSame :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Bool allTheSame xs = and $ map (== head xs) (tail xs) 

GHC produces this Core:

Test.allTheSame   :: forall a_abG. GHC.Classes.Eq a_abG => [a_abG] -> GHC.Bool.Bool [GblId,  Arity=2,  Str=DmdType LS,  Unf=Unf{Src=<vanilla>, TopLvl=True, Arity=2, Value=True,          ConLike=True, Cheap=True, Expandable=True,          Guidance=IF_ARGS [3 3] 16 0}] Test.allTheSame =   \ (@ a_awM)     ($dEq_awN :: GHC.Classes.Eq a_awM)     (xs_abH :: [a_awM]) ->     case xs_abH of _ {       [] ->         GHC.List.tail1         `cast` (CoUnsafe (forall a1_axH. [a1_axH]) GHC.Bool.Bool                 :: (forall a1_axH. [a1_axH]) ~ GHC.Bool.Bool);       : ds1_axJ xs1_axK ->         letrec {           go_sDv [Occ=LoopBreaker] :: [a_awM] -> GHC.Bool.Bool           [LclId, Arity=1, Str=DmdType S]           go_sDv =             \ (ds_azk :: [a_awM]) ->               case ds_azk of _ {                 [] -> GHC.Bool.True;                 : y_azp ys_azq ->                   case GHC.Classes.== @ a_awM $dEq_awN y_azp ds1_axJ of _ {                     GHC.Bool.False -> GHC.Bool.False; GHC.Bool.True -> go_sDv ys_azq                   }               }; } in         go_sDv xs1_axK     } 

This looks pretty good, actually. It will produce an error with an empty list, but that's easily fixed. This is the case xs_abH of _ { [] ->. After this GHC performed a worker/wrapper transformation, the recursive worker function is the letrec { go_sDv binding. The worker examines its argument. If [], it's reached the end of the list and returns True. Otherwise it compares the head of the remaining to the first element and either returns False or checks the rest of the list.

Three other features.

  1. The map was entirely fused away and doesn't allocate a temporary list.
  2. Near the top of the definition notice the Cheap=True statement. This means GHC considers the function "cheap", and thus a candidate for inlining. At a call site, if a concrete argument type can be determined, GHC will probably inline allTheSame and produce a very tight inner loop, completely bypassing the Eq dictionary lookup.
  3. The worker function is tail-recursive.

Verdict: Very strong contender.

Solution 1

allTheSame' :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Bool allTheSame' xs = (length xs) == (length $ takeWhile (== head xs) xs) 

Even without looking at core I know this won't be as good. The list is traversed more than once, first by length xs then by length $ takeWhile. Not only do you have the extra overhead of multiple traversals, it means that the list must be retained in memory after the first traversal and can't be GC'd. For a big list, this is a serious problem.

Test.allTheSame'   :: forall a_abF. GHC.Classes.Eq a_abF => [a_abF] -> GHC.Bool.Bool [GblId,  Arity=2,  Str=DmdType LS,  Unf=Unf{Src=<vanilla>, TopLvl=True, Arity=2, Value=True,          ConLike=True, Cheap=True, Expandable=True,          Guidance=IF_ARGS [3 3] 20 0}] Test.allTheSame' =   \ (@ a_awF)     ($dEq_awG :: GHC.Classes.Eq a_awF)     (xs_abI :: [a_awF]) ->     case GHC.List.$wlen @ a_awF xs_abI 0 of ww_aC6 { __DEFAULT ->     case GHC.List.$wlen            @ a_awF            (GHC.List.takeWhile               @ a_awF               (let {                  ds_sDq :: a_awF                  [LclId, Str=DmdType]                  ds_sDq =                    case xs_abI of _ {                      [] -> GHC.List.badHead @ a_awF; : x_axk ds1_axl -> x_axk                    } } in                \ (ds1_dxa :: a_awF) ->                  GHC.Classes.== @ a_awF $dEq_awG ds1_dxa ds_sDq)               xs_abI)            0     of ww1_XCn { __DEFAULT ->     GHC.Prim.==# ww_aC6 ww1_XCn     }     } 

Looking at the core doesn't tell much beyond that. However, note these lines:

case GHC.List.$wlen @ a_awF xs_abI 0 of ww_aC6 { __DEFAULT ->         case GHC.List.$wlen 

This is where the list traversals happen. The first gets the length of the outer list and binds it to ww_aC6. The second gets the length of the inner list, but the binding doesn't happen until near the bottom, at

of ww1_XCn { __DEFAULT -> GHC.Prim.==# ww_aC6 ww1_XCn 

The lengths (both Ints) can be unboxed and compared by a primop, but that's a small consolation after the overhead that's been introduced.

Verdict: Not good.

Solution 2

allTheSame'' :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Bool allTheSame'' xs   | n == 0 = False   | n == 1 = True   | n == 2 = xs !! 0 == xs !! 1   | otherwise = (xs !! 0 == xs !! 1) && (allTheSame'' $ snd $ splitAt 2 xs)     where  n = length xs 

This has the same problem as solution 1. The list is traversed multiple times, and it can't be GC'd. It's worse here though, because now the length is calculated for each sub-list. I'd expect this to have the worst performance of all on lists of any significant size. Also, why are you special-casing lists of 1 and 2 elements when you're expecting the list to be big?

Verdict: Don't even think about it.

Solution 3

allTheSame''' :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Bool allTheSame''' xs   | n == 0 = False   | n == 1 = True   | n == 2 = xs !! 0 == xs !! 1   | n == 3 = xs !! 0 == xs !! 1 && xs !! 1 == xs !! 2   | otherwise = allTheSame''' (fst split) && allTheSame''' (snd split)     where n = length xs           split = splitAt (n `div` 2) xs 

This has the same problem as Solution 2. Namely, the list is traversed multiple times by length. I'm not certain a divide-and-conquer approach is a good choice for this problem, it could end up taking longer than a simple scan. It would depend on the data though, and be worth testing.

Verdict: Maybe, if you used a different data structure.

Solution 4

allTheSame'''' :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Bool allTheSame'''' xs = all (== head xs) (tail xs) 

This was basically my first thought. Let's check the core again.

Test.allTheSame''''   :: forall a_abC. GHC.Classes.Eq a_abC => [a_abC] -> GHC.Bool.Bool [GblId,  Arity=2,  Str=DmdType LS,  Unf=Unf{Src=<vanilla>, TopLvl=True, Arity=2, Value=True,          ConLike=True, Cheap=True, Expandable=True,          Guidance=IF_ARGS [3 3] 10 0}] Test.allTheSame'''' =   \ (@ a_am5)     ($dEq_am6 :: GHC.Classes.Eq a_am5)     (xs_alK :: [a_am5]) ->     case xs_alK of _ {       [] ->         GHC.List.tail1         `cast` (CoUnsafe (forall a1_axH. [a1_axH]) GHC.Bool.Bool                 :: (forall a1_axH. [a1_axH]) ~ GHC.Bool.Bool);       : ds1_axJ xs1_axK ->         GHC.List.all           @ a_am5           (\ (ds_dwU :: a_am5) ->              GHC.Classes.== @ a_am5 $dEq_am6 ds_dwU ds1_axJ)           xs1_axK     } 

Ok, not too bad. Like solution 1, this will error on empty lists. The list traversal is hidden in GHC.List.all, but it will probably be expanded to good code at a call site.

Verdict: Another strong contender.

So between all of these, with lists I'd expect that Solutions 0 and 4 are the only ones worth using, and they are pretty much the same. I might consider Option 3 in some cases.

Edit: in both cases, the errors on empty lists can be simply fixed as in @augustss's answer.

The next step would be to do some time profiling with criterion.

like image 39
John L Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 20:10

John L