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Efficiently aggregate a resampled collection of datetimes in pandas

Given the following dataset as a pandas dataframe df:

index(as DateTime object) |  Name        |  Amount    |  IncomeOutcome
2019-01-28                |  Customer1   |  200.0     |  Income
2019-01-31                |  Customer1   |  200.0     |  Income
2019-01-31                |  Customer2   |  100.0     |  Income
2019-01-28                |  Customer2   |  -100.0    |  Outcome
2019-01-31                |  Customer2   |  -100.0    |  Outcome

We perform the following steps:

grouped = df.groupby("Name", "IncomeOutcome")
sampled_by_month = grouped.resample("M")
aggregated = sampled_by_month.agg({"MonthlyCount": "size", "Amount": "sum"})

The desired output should look like this:

Name       |  IncomeOutcome   |  Amount    |  MonthlyCount
Customer1  |  Income          |  400.0     |  2
Customer2  |  Income          |  100.0     |  1
Customer2  |  Outcome         |  -200.0    |  2

The last step performs very poorly, possibly related to Pandas Issue #20660 My first intention was to convert all datetime objects to int64, which leaves me with the question on how to resample the converted data by month.

Any suggestions on that issue?

Thank you in advance

like image 268
Ben Avatar asked Feb 01 '19 10:02


1 Answers

Perhaps we can optimise your solution by having the resampling done only on a single column ("Amount", the column of interest).

(df.groupby(["Name", "IncomeOutcome"])['Amount']
   .rename({'sum':'Amount', 'size': 'MonthlyCount'}, axis=1)
   .reset_index(level=-1, drop=True)

        Name IncomeOutcome  Amount  MonthlyCount
0  Customer1        Income   400.0             2
1  Customer2        Income   100.0             1
2  Customer2       Outcome  -200.0             2

If this is still too slow, then I think the problem could be that the resample being within the groupby slows things down. Perhaps you can try grouping by all 3 predicates with a single groupby call. For the date resampling, try pd.Grouper.

(df.groupby(['Name', 'IncomeOutcome', pd.Grouper(freq='M')])['Amount']
   .agg([ ('Amount', 'sum'), ('MonthlyCount', 'size')])
   .reset_index(level=-1, drop=True)

        Name IncomeOutcome  Amount  MonthlyCount
0  Customer1        Income   400.0             2
1  Customer2        Income   100.0             1
2  Customer2       Outcome  -200.0             2

Performance wise, this should come out faster.


Let's try setting up a more general DataFrame for the purpose of testing.

# Setup
df_ = df.copy()
df1 = pd.concat([df_.reset_index()] * 100, ignore_index=True)
df = pd.concat([
        df1.replace({'Customer1': f'Customer{i}', 'Customer2': f'Customer{i+1}'}) 
        for i in range(1, 98, 2)], ignore_index=True) 
df = df.set_index('index')

# (24500, 3)

(df.groupby(["Name", "IncomeOutcome"])['Amount']
   .rename({'sum':'Amount', 'size': 'MonthlyCount'}, axis=1)
   .reset_index(level=-1, drop=True)

(df.groupby(['Name', 'IncomeOutcome', pd.Grouper(freq='M')])['Amount']
   .agg([ ('Amount', 'sum'), ('MonthlyCount', 'size')])
   .reset_index(level=-1, drop=True)

1.71 s ± 85.1 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
24.2 ms ± 1.82 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10 loops each)
like image 151
cs95 Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09
