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Efficient way to join a cached spark dataframe with other and cache again

I have a large dataframe that has been cached like

val largeDf = someLargeDataframe.cache

Now I need to union it with a tiny one and cached it again

val tinyDf = someTinyDataframe.cache
val newDataframe = largeDf.union(tinyDf).cached

It is very inefficient since it need to re-cached all the data again. Is there any efficient way to add a little amount of data to a large cached dataframe?

After reading Teodors's explanation, I know that I can't unpersist the old dataframe before I do some action on my new dataframe. But what if I need to do something like this?

def myProcess(df1: Dataframe, df2: Dataframe): Dataframe{
    val df1_trans = df1.map(....).cache
    val df2_trans = df2.map(....).cache

    doSomeAction(df1_trans, df2_trans)

    val finalDf = df1_trans.union(df2_trans).map(....).cache
    // df1_trans.unpersist()
    // df2_trans.unpersist()

I want my df1_trans & df2_trans to be cached to improve the performance inside the function since they will be called more than once, but the dataframe I need to return in the end is also constructed by df1_trans & df2_trans, if I can't unpersist them before leaving the function, I can never find other place to do this, however, if I unpersist them, my finalDf will not benefit from cache.

What can I do in this situation? Thanks!

like image 661
林鼎棋 Avatar asked May 24 '17 07:05


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2 Answers

val largeDf = someLargeDataframe.cache
val tinyDf = someTinyDataframe.cache
val newDataframe = largeDf.union(tinyDf).cache

If you call unpersist() now before any action that goes through all your largeDf dataframe you won't benefit from caching the two dataframes.


I wouldn't worry about caching the unioned dataframe as long as the two other dataframes are already cached, you won't likely see a performance hit.

Benchmark the following:

========= now? ============
val largeDf = someLargeDataframe.cache
val tinyDf = someTinyDataframe.cache
val newDataframe = largeDf.union(tinyDf).cache
#force evaluation

========= alternative 1 ============
val largeDf = someLargeDataframe.cache
val tinyDf = someTinyDataframe.cache
val newDataframe = largeDf.union(tinyDf).cache

#force evaluation

======== alternative 2 ==============
val largeDf = someLargeDataframe.cache
val tinyDf = someTinyDataframe.cache
val newDataframe = largeDf.union(tinyDf)


======== alternative 3 ==============
val largeDf = someLargeDataframe
val tinyDf = someTinyDataframe
val newDataframe = largeDf.union(tinyDf).cache

#force evaluation
like image 54
Boggio Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09


Is there any efficient way to add a little amount of data to a large cached dataframe?

I don't think any other operation could beat union. I did think that broadcast function might help here, but after having a look at the execution plan I don't think so anymore.

That led me to write the answer. If you want to know if your caching has any effect on a query, explain it:

explain(): Unit Prints the physical plan to the console for debugging purposes.

With the following example, broadcast does not affect union (which is now not surprising given it's a hint for joins and other physical operators just ignore it).

scala> left.union(broadcast(right)).explain
== Physical Plan ==
:- *Range (0, 4, step=1, splits=8)
+- *Range (0, 3, step=1, splits=8)

It's also worthwhile to use Details for Query under SQL tab.

enter image description here

like image 39
Jacek Laskowski Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09

Jacek Laskowski