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efficient way to get words before and after substring in text (python)

I'm using regex to find occurrences of string patterns in a body of text. Once I find that the string pattern occurs, I want to get x words before and after the string as well (x could be as small as 4, but preferably ~10 if still as efficient).

I am currently using regex to find all instances, but occasionally it will hang. Is there a more efficient way to solve this problem?

This is the solution I currently have:

sub = r'(\w*)\W*(\w*)\W*(\w*)\W*(\w*)\W*(%s)\W*(\w*)\W*(\w*)\W*(\w*)\W*(\w*)' % result_string #refind string and get surrounding += 4 words
surrounding_text = re.findall(sub, text)
for found_text in surrounding_text:
  result_found.append(" ".join(map(str,found_text)))
like image 680
user1253952 Avatar asked Aug 08 '15 18:08


2 Answers

I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for:

>>> text = "Hello, world. Regular expressions are not always the answer."
>>> words = text.partition("Regular expressions")
>>> words
('Hello, world. ', 'Regular expressions', ' are not always the answer.')
>>> words_before = words[0]
>>> words_before
'Hello, world. '
>>> separator = words[1]
>>> separator
'Regular expressions'
>>> words_after = words[2]
>>> words_after
' are not always the answer.'

Basically, str.partition() splits the string into a 3-element tuple. In this example, the first element is all of the words before the specific "separator", the second element is the separator, and the third element is all of the words after the separator.

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SizzlingVortex Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 16:11


The main problem with your pattern is that it begins with optional things that causes a lot of tries for each positions in the string until a match is found. The number of tries increases with the text size and with the value of n (the number of words before and after). This is why only few lines of text suffice to crash your code.

A way consists to begin the pattern with the target word and to use lookarounds to capture the text (or the words) before and after:

keyword (?= words after ) (?<= words before - keyword)

Starting a pattern with the searched word (a literal string) makes it very fast, and words around are then quickly found from this position in the string. Unfortunately the re module has some limitations and doesn't allow variable length lookbehinds (as many other regex flavors).

The new regex module supports variable length lookbehinds and other useful features like the ability to store the matches of a repeated capture group (handy to get the separated words in one shot).

import regex

text = '''In strange contrast to the hardly tolerable constraint and nameless
invisible domineerings of the captain's table, was the entire care-free
license and ease, the almost frantic democracy of those inferior fellows
the harpooneers. While their masters, the mates, seemed afraid of the
sound of the hinges of their own jaws, the harpooneers chewed their food
with such a relish that there was a report to it.'''

word = 'harpooneers'
n = 4

pattern = r'''
\m (?<target> %s ) \M # target word
(?<= # content before
    (?<before> (?: (?<wdb>\w+) \W+ ){0,%d} )
(?=  # content after
    (?<after>  (?: \W+ (?<wda>\w+) ){0,%d} )
''' % (word, n, word, n)

rgx = regex.compile(pattern, regex.VERBOSE | regex.IGNORECASE)

class Result(object):
    def __init__(self, m):
        self.target_span = m.span()
        self.excerpt_span = (m.starts('before')[0], m.ends('after')[0])
        self.excerpt = m.expandf('{before}{target}{after}')
        self.words_before = m.captures('wdb')[::-1]
        self.words_after = m.captures('wda')

results = [Result(m) for m in rgx.finditer(text)]

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Casimir et Hippolyte Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 16:11

Casimir et Hippolyte