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Efficient way of storing Huffman tree

I am writing a Huffman encoding/decoding tool and am looking for an efficient way to store the Huffman tree that is created to store inside of the output file.

Currently there are two different versions I am implementing.

  1. This one reads the entire file into memory character by character and builds a frequency table for the whole document. This would only require outputting the tree once, and thus efficiency is not that big of a concern, other than if the input file is small.
  2. The other method I am using is to read a chunk of data, about 64 kilobyte in size and run the frequency analysis over that, create a tree and encode it. However, in this case before every chunk I will need to output my frequency tree so that the decoder is able to re-build its tree and properly decode the encoded file. This is where the efficiency does come into place since I want to save as much space as possible.

In my searches so far I have not found a good way of storing the tree in as little space as possible, I am hoping the StackOverflow community can help me find a good solution!

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X-Istence Avatar asked Apr 17 '09 09:04


2 Answers

Since you already have to implement code to handle a bit-wise layer on top of your byte-organized stream/file, here's my proposal.

Do not store the actual frequencies, they're not needed for decoding. You do, however, need the actual tree.

So for each node, starting at root:

  1. If leaf-node: Output 1-bit + N-bit character/byte
  2. If not leaf-node, output 0-bit. Then encode both child nodes (left first then right) the same way

To read, do this:

  1. Read bit. If 1, then read N-bit character/byte, return new node around it with no children
  2. If bit was 0, decode left and right child-nodes the same way, and return new node around them with those children, but no value

A leaf-node is basically any node that doesn't have children.

With this approach, you can calculate the exact size of your output before writing it, to figure out if the gains are enough to justify the effort. This assumes you have a dictionary of key/value pairs that contains the frequency of each character, where frequency is the actual number of occurrences.

Pseudo-code for calculation:

Tree-size = 10 * NUMBER_OF_CHARACTERS - 1 Encoded-size = Sum(for each char,freq in table: freq * len(PATH(char))) 

The tree-size calculation takes the leaf and non-leaf nodes into account, and there's one less inline node than there are characters.

SIZE_OF_ONE_CHARACTER would be number of bits, and those two would give you the number of bits total that my approach for the tree + the encoded data will occupy.

PATH(c) is a function/table that would yield the bit-path from root down to that character in the tree.

Here's a C#-looking pseudo-code to do it, which assumes one character is just a simple byte.

void EncodeNode(Node node, BitWriter writer) {     if (node.IsLeafNode)     {         writer.WriteBit(1);         writer.WriteByte(node.Value);     }     else     {         writer.WriteBit(0);         EncodeNode(node.LeftChild, writer);         EncodeNode(node.Right, writer);     } } 

To read it back in:

Node ReadNode(BitReader reader) {     if (reader.ReadBit() == 1)     {         return new Node(reader.ReadByte(), null, null);     }     else     {         Node leftChild = ReadNode(reader);         Node rightChild = ReadNode(reader);         return new Node(0, leftChild, rightChild);     } } 

An example (simplified, use properties, etc.) Node implementation:

public class Node {     public Byte Value;     public Node LeftChild;     public Node RightChild;      public Node(Byte value, Node leftChild, Node rightChild)     {         Value = value;         LeftChild = leftChild;         RightChild = rightChild;     }      public Boolean IsLeafNode     {         get         {             return LeftChild == null;         }     } } 

Here's a sample output from a specific example.



  • A: 6
  • B: 1
  • C: 6
  • D: 2
  • E: 5

Each character is just 8 bits, so the size of the tree will be 10 * 5 - 1 = 49 bits.

The tree could look like this:

      20   ----------   |        8   |     -------  12     |     3 -----   |   ----- A   C   E   B   D 6   6   5   1   2 

So the paths to each character is as follows (0 is left, 1 is right):

  • A: 00
  • B: 110
  • C: 01
  • D: 111
  • E: 10

So to calculate the output size:

  • A: 6 occurrences * 2 bits = 12 bits
  • B: 1 occurrence * 3 bits = 3 bits
  • C: 6 occurrences * 2 bits = 12 bits
  • D: 2 occurrences * 3 bits = 6 bits
  • E: 5 occurrences * 2 bits = 10 bits

Sum of encoded bytes is 12+3+12+6+10 = 43 bits

Add that to the 49 bits from the tree, and the output will be 92 bits, or 12 bytes. Compare that to the 20 * 8 bytes necessary to store the original 20 characters unencoded, you'll save 8 bytes.

The final output, including the tree to begin with, is as follows. Each character in the stream (A-E) is encoded as 8 bits, whereas 0 and 1 is just a single bit. The space in the stream is just to separate the tree from the encoded data and does not take up any space in the final output.

001A1C01E01B1D 0000000000001100101010101011111111010101010 

For the concrete example you have in the comments, AABCDEF, you will get this:



  • A: 2
  • B: 1
  • C: 1
  • D: 1
  • E: 1
  • F: 1


        7   -------------   |           4   |       ---------   3       2       2 -----   -----   ----- A   B   C   D   E   F 2   1   1   1   1   1 


  • A: 00
  • B: 01
  • C: 100
  • D: 101
  • E: 110
  • F: 111

Tree: 001A1B001C1D01E1F = 59 bits
Data: 000001100101110111 = 18 bits
Sum: 59 + 18 = 77 bits = 10 bytes

Since the original was 7 characters of 8 bits = 56, you will have too much overhead of such small pieces of data.

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Lasse V. Karlsen Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 01:09

Lasse V. Karlsen

If you have enough control over the tree generation, you could make it do a canonical tree (the same way DEFLATE does, for example), which basically means you create rules to resolve any ambiguous situations when building the tree. Then, like DEFLATE, all you actually have to store are the lengths of the codes for each character.

That is, if you had the tree/codes Lasse mentioned above:

  • A: 00
  • B: 110
  • C: 01
  • D: 111
  • E: 10

Then you could store those as: 2, 3, 2, 3, 2

And that's actually enough information to regenerate the huffman table, assuming you're always using the same character set -- say, ASCII. (Which means you couldn't skip letters -- you'd have to list a code length for each one, even if it's zero.)

If you also put a limitation on the bit lengths (say, 7 bits), you could store each of these numbers using short binary strings. So 2,3,2,3,2 becomes 010 011 010 011 010 -- Which fits in 2 bytes.

If you want to get really crazy, you could do what DEFLATE does, and make another huffman table of the lengths of these codes, and store its code lengths beforehand. Especially since they add extra codes for "insert zero N times in a row" to shorten things further.

The RFC for DEFLATE isn't too bad, if you're already familiar with huffman coding: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1951.txt

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Ezran Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 01:09
