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C++ split string by line




I need to split string by line. I used to do in the following way:

int doSegment(char *sentence, int segNum) { assert(pSegmenter != NULL); Logger &log = Logger::getLogger(); char delims[] = "\n"; char *line = NULL; if (sentence != NULL) {     line = strtok(sentence, delims);     while(line != NULL)     {         cout << line << endl;         line = strtok(NULL, delims);     } } else {     log.error("...."); } return 0; } 

I input "we are one.\nyes we are." and invoke the doSegment method. But when i debugging, i found the sentence parameter is "we are one.\\nyes we are", and the split failed. Can somebody tell me why this happened and what should i do. Is there anyway else i can use to split string in C++. thanks !

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wangzhiju Avatar asked Nov 01 '12 06:11


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1 Answers

I'd like to use std::getline or std::string::find to go through the string. below code demonstrates getline function

int doSegment(char *sentence) {   std::stringstream ss(sentence);   std::string to;    if (sentence != NULL)   {     while(std::getline(ss,to,'\n')){       cout << to <<endl;     }   }  return 0; } 
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billz Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09
