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Efficient summation in Python

I am trying to efficiently compute a summation of a summation in Python:

WolframAlpha is able to compute it too a high n value: sum of sum.

I have two approaches: a for loop method and an np.sum method. I thought the np.sum approach would be faster. However, they are the same until a large n, after which the np.sum has overflow errors and gives the wrong result.

I am trying to find the fastest way to compute this sum.

import numpy as np import time  def summation(start,end,func):     sum=0     for i in range(start,end+1):         sum+=func(i)     return sum  def x(y):     return y  def x2(y):     return y**2  def mysum(y):     return x2(y)*summation(0, y, x)  n=100  # method #1 start=time.time() summation(0,n,mysum) print('Slow method:',time.time()-start)  # method #2 start=time.time() w=np.arange(0,n+1) (w**2*np.cumsum(w)).sum() print('Fast method:',time.time()-start) 
like image 350
Adam Avatar asked Nov 06 '21 14:11


People also ask

How do you do summation in Python?

Use sum() to approach common summation problems. Use appropriate values for the iterable and start arguments in sum() Decide between sum() and alternative tools to sum and concatenate objects.

Is sum faster than for loop Python?

sum is implemented in C inside the Python interpreter, while your for loop has to be interpreted, it's normal that it's slower. In CPython built-in functions are much faster than the pure-python translation.

What does summation mean in Python?

Python Sum Syntax The Python sum() function adds up all the numerical values in an iterable, such as a list, and returns the total of those values. sum() calculates the total of both floating-point numbers and integers.

1 Answers

Here's a very fast way:

result = ((((12 * n + 45) * n + 50) * n + 15) * n - 2) * n // 120 

How I got there:

  1. Rewrite the inner sum as the well-known x*(x+1)//2. So the whole thing becomes sum(x**2 * x*(x+1)//2 for x in range(n+1)).
  2. Rewrite to sum(x**4 + x**3 for x in range(n+1)) // 2.
  3. Look up formulas for sum(x**4) and sum(x**3).
  4. Simplify the resulting mess to (12*n**5 + 45*n**4 + 50*n**3 + 15*n**2 - 2*n) // 120.
  5. Horner it.

Another way to derive it if after steps 1. and 2. you know it's a polynomial of degree 5:

  1. Compute six values with a naive implementation.
  2. Compute the polynomial from the six equations with six unknowns (the polynomial coefficients). I did it similarly to this, but my matrix A is left-right mirrored compared to that, and I called my y-vector b.


from fractions import Fraction import math from functools import reduce  def naive(n):     return sum(x**2 * sum(range(x+1)) for x in range(n+1))  def lcm(ints):     return reduce(lambda r, i: r * i // math.gcd(r, i), ints)  def polynomial(xys):     xs, ys = zip(*xys)     n = len(xs)     A = [[Fraction(x**i) for i in range(n)] for x in xs]     b = list(ys)     for _ in range(2):         for i0 in range(n):             for i in range(i0 + 1, n):                 f = A[i][i0] / A[i0][i0]                 for j in range(i0, n):                     A[i][j] -= f * A[i0][j]                 b[i] -= f * b[i0]         A = [row[::-1] for row in A[::-1]]         b.reverse()     coeffs = [b[i] / A[i][i] for i in range(n)]     denominator = lcm(c.denominator for c in coeffs)     coeffs = [int(c * denominator) for c in coeffs]     horner = str(coeffs[-1])     for c in coeffs[-2::-1]:         horner += ' * n'         if c:             horner = f"({horner} {'+' if c > 0 else '-'} {abs(c)})"     return f'{horner} // {denominator}'  print(polynomial((x, naive(x)) for x in range(6))) 

Output (Try it online!):

((((12 * n + 45) * n + 50) * n + 15) * n - 2) * n // 120 
like image 155
Kelly Bundy Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 00:10

Kelly Bundy