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Effect of noskipws on cin>>

As I understand, the extraction operator skips the whitespace in the beginning and stops upon encountering a whitespace or end of stream. noskipws can be used to stop ignoring the leading whitespaces.

I have the following program where I have used noskipws.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    char name[128];

    cout<<"Enter a name ";
    cout<<"You entered "<<name<<"\n";

    cout<<"Enter another name ";
    cout<<"You entered "<<(int)name[0]<<"\n";

    return 0;

My queries are:

  1. If I enter "John" as the first input, then the second cin>> operation does not wait for input and does not copy anything to the destination i.e. the name array. I expected second cin>> to transfer at-least a newline or end of stream, instead of just setting the destination string to empty. Why is this happening ?

  2. The same thing is observed when I enter "John Smith" as the input for first cin>> statement. Why doesn't the second cin>> statement copy the space or "Smith" to the destination variable ?

Following is the output of the program:

Enter a name John
You entered John
Enter another name You entered 0

Enter a name John Smith
You entered John
Enter another name You entered 0


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Achint Mehta Avatar asked Jun 08 '12 10:06

Achint Mehta

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std::skipws, std::noskipwsEnables or disables skipping of leading whitespace by the formatted input functions (enabled by default).

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cin is the standard input stream. Usually the stuff someone types in with a keyboard. We can extract values of this stream, using the >> operator. So cin >> n; reads an integer. However, the result of (cin >> variable) is a reference to cin .

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Using cin. You can use cin but the cin object will skip any leading white space (spaces, tabs, line breaks), then start reading when it comes to the first non-whitespace character and then stop reading when it comes to the next white space. In other words, it only reads in one word at a time.

1 Answers

The basic algorithm for >> of a string is:

skip whitespace
read and extract until next whitespace

If you use noskipws, then the first step is skipped. After the first read, you are positionned on a whitespace, so the next (and all following) reads will stop immediatly, extracting nothing.

>> to a string will never put whitespace into the string. More generally, using >> with noskipws is problematic, since whitespace is always a separator for >>; it may make sense to use it punctually, but it should generally be reset immediately after it has been used. (The once case where it might make sense is when using >> to a char. In this case, the stream always extracts one character.)

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James Kanze Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 19:09

James Kanze