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EF Core LINQ use scalar function

I use Entity Framework Core 2.1.

I have a scalar function in the database which adds specified number of days. I created an extension method to execute it:

public static class AdventureWorks2012ContextExt
        public static DateTime? ExecFn_AddDayPeriod(this AdventureWorks2012Context db, DateTime dateTime, int days, string periodName)
            var sql = $"set @result = dbo.[fn_AddDayPeriod]('{dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff")}', {days}, '{periodName}')";
            var output = new SqlParameter { ParameterName = @"result", DbType = DbType.DateTime, Size = 16, Direction = ParameterDirection.Output };
            var result = db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand(sql, output);
            return output.Value as DateTime?;

I try to use a scalar function in the query (to simplify things I use AdventureWorks2012) as follows:

var persons =
    (from p in db.Person
     join pa in db.Address on p.BusinessEntityId equals pa.AddressId
     where p.ModifiedDate > db.ExecFn_AddDayPeriod(pa.ModifiedDate, 100, "DayPeriod_day")
     select p).ToList();

But get an System.InvalidOperationException: 'A second operation started on this context before a previous operation completed. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.'

How can I achieve this?

UPDATE: I managed to do it with the help of Ivan's answer:

var persons =
    (from p in db.Person
     join bea in db.BusinessEntityAddress on p.BusinessEntityId equals bea.BusinessEntityId
     join a in db.Address on bea.AddressId equals a.AddressId
     where p.ModifiedDate > AdventureWorks2012ContextFunctions.AddDayPeriod(a.ModifiedDate, 100, "DayPeriod_day")
     select p).ToList();

But now I need to update ModifiedDate for filtered persons. So I'm doing like this:

var persons =
     (from p in db.Person
      join bea in db.BusinessEntityAddress on p.BusinessEntityId equals bea.BusinessEntityId
      join a in db.Address on bea.AddressId equals a.AddressId
      let date = AdventureWorks2012ContextFunctions.AddDayPeriod(a.ModifiedDate, 100, "DayPeriod_day")
      where p.ModifiedDate > date
      select new { Person = p, NewDate = date }).ToList();

  foreach (var p in persons)
      p.Person.ModifiedDate = p.NewDate ?? DateTime.Now;


But got System.NotSupportedException: 'Specified method is not supported.'

How can I use scalar function in select statement?

I tried to split the query by two parts:

var filteredPersons =                  // ok   
   (from p in db.Person
    join bea in db.BusinessEntityAddress on p.BusinessEntityId equals bea.BusinessEntityId
    join a in db.Address on bea.AddressId equals a.AddressId
    where p.ModifiedDate > AdventureWorks2012ContextFunctions.AddDayPeriod(a.ModifiedDate, 100, "DayPeriod_day")
    select new { Person = p, a.ModifiedDate }).ToList();

var persons =                          // here an exception occurs
    (from p in filteredPersons
     select new { Person = p, NewDate = AdventureWorks2012ContextFunctions.AddDayPeriod(p.ModifiedDate, 100, "DayPeriod_day") }).ToList();
like image 274
Dmitry Stepanov Avatar asked Aug 17 '18 13:08

Dmitry Stepanov

People also ask

How to use EF Core Functions in LINQ queries?

Once we define the function, it can be used in the query. Instead of calling database function, EF Core will translate the method body directly into SQL based on the SQL expression tree constructed from the HasTranslation. The following LINQ query: SELECT 100 * (ABS(CAST( [p]. [BlogId] AS float) - 3) / ( (CAST( [p].

What are the limitations of EF Core SQL?

Types of database functions EF Core SQL generation supports a subset of functions that can be used in databases. This limitation comes from the ability to represent a query in LINQ for the given database function. Further, each database has varying support of database functions, so EF Core provides a common subset.

How do I map between EF Core Functions and database functions?

EF Core supports three different ways of mapping between C# functions and database functions. By default EF Core providers provide mappings for various built-in functions over primitive types. For example, String.ToLower () translates to LOWER in SqlServer. This functionality allows users to write queries in LINQ seamlessly.

What are built-in functions in EF Core?

When EF Core translates queries to use database functions, it uses built-in functions to make sure that the function is always available on the database. The distinction of built-in functions is necessary in some databases to generate SQL correctly.

1 Answers

Instead of invoking the function client side (which is this particular case happens as part of the client evaluation of the query filter, while the query reading is still in progress), you can use EF Core Database scalar function mapping so it

can be used in LINQ queries and translated to SQL.

One way to do that is to create a public static method in the derived context class and mark it with DbFunction attribute:

public partial class AdventureWorks2012Context
    public static DateTime? AddDayPeriod(DateTime dateTime, int days, string periodName) => throw new NotSupportedException();

and use

where p.ModifiedDate > AdventureWorks2012Context.AddDayPeriod(pa.ModifiedDate, 100, "DayPeriod_day")

Another way is to create a public static method in another class

public static class AdventureWorks2012DbFunctions
    public static DateTime? AddDayPeriod(DateTime dateTime, int days, string periodName) => throw new NotSupportedException();

but then you'll need to register it with fluent API (which happens automatically for methods defined inside the context derived class):

    .HasDbFunction(() => AdventureWorks2012DbFunctions.AddDayPeriod(default(DateTime), default(int), default(string)));

The usage is the same:

where p.ModifiedDate > AdventureWorksDbFunctions.AddDayPeriod(pa.ModifiedDate, 100, "DayPeriod_day")
like image 109
Ivan Stoev Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 22:10

Ivan Stoev