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EF + AutoFac + async "The connection's current state is connecting"

I have a WebApi controller that has services injected by AutoFac in the OWIN Startup class

builder.Register(c => new MyEntities()).InstancePerRequest();

I have also tried

builder.Register(c => new MyEntities()).InstancePerLifetimeScope();

In a controller action I call a service method to create a new record, pass the id created to an external api through HttpClient to get some more data, then update the new record with some return data.

[HttpPost, Route("")] 
public async Task<IHttpActionResult> MyControllerAction(MyModel model)
    var id = await _MyService.CreateNewThing(model.SomeId);
    var externalData = await CallExternalApiThroughHttpClient(id);
    await _MyService.UpdateNewThing(id, externalData);
    return Ok();

service code

public class MyService : IMyService 
    private MyEntities _context;

    public MyService(MyEntities context)
        _context = context;

    public async Task<int> CreateNewThing(int someId)
        var thing = new Thing
            SomeId = someId


        await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

        return thing.Id;

    public async Task UpdateNewThing(int id, string externalDataField)
        var thing = await _context.Things.SingleOrDefaultAsync(o => o.Id == id);

            if (thing == null)
                throw new ServiceNotFoundException("Thing " + transactionId + " not found");

            thing.ExternalDataField= externalDataField;

            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

But I get an InvalidOperationException in UpdateNewThing var thing = await _context.Things.SingleOrDefaultAsync(o => o.Id == id);

System.InvalidOperationException: The connection was not closed. The connection's current state is connecting.

It seems like I have to give up either injecting the context, async/await or use something like a contextfactory; unless anyone can spot something simple I have missed that would let me continue with this design.

like image 668
PMC Avatar asked Oct 30 '22 13:10


1 Answers

Your code looks fine in a single-threaded context. However, DbContext is not thread safe, and I suspect what is happening is you're executing CreateNewThing() on one thread, and the task scheduler is in this case executing UpdateNewThing() on a different thread.

Either way, a better metaphor is to use a context factory, which you inject into your IMyService in this case, and then for every IMyService method you create a new MyEntities context in a using() block.

DbContext's are cheap to create and this is how they are intended to be used; long-lived contexts are almost always incorrect usage.

Edit 1 - example context factory as requested. I tend to implement a generic factory that can create multiple contexts, but that's probably moving outside the scope of this question.

public interface IMyEntitiesFactory
    MyEntities Create();

public class MyEntitiesFactory : IMyEntitiesFactory
    MyEntities IMyEntitiesFactory.Create()
        return new MyEntities();

// For use with unit tests; e.g. pass a mock object to the constructor.
public class TestMyEntitiesFactory : IMyEntitiesFactory
    private readonly MyEntities _value;

    public TestMyEntitiesFactory(MyEntities value)
        _value = value;

    MyEntities IMyEntitiesFactory.Create()
        return _value;
like image 108
sellotape Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11
