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Ecto relations, not inserting foreign key ids

Sup, I'm learning Ecto and I'm trying to insert record with association to another table. It is kinda working, because record is being inserted but foreign key field is empty.


parent = Repo.get(Hangman.MasterCat, parent_id)
changeset = build(parent, :categories)
  |> Category.changeset( params)

if changeset.valid? do
  json conn, ResponseUtils.jsonResponse(true)
  json conn, ResponseUtils.jsonResponse(false,["parents doesn't exist"])

Inspection of changeset

%Ecto.Changeset{action: nil, changes: %{name: "Kategory 1"}, constraints: [],
 errors: [], filters: %{},
 model: %{__meta__: #Ecto.Schema.Metadata<:built>, __struct__: Hangman.Category,

   id: nil, inserted_at: nil, master_cat_id: 1,
   mastercat: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :mastercat is not loaded>,

   mastercat_id: nil, name: nil, updated_at: nil,
   words: #Ecto.Association.NotLoaded<association :words is not loaded>},
 optional: [], opts: [], params: %{"name" => "Kategory 1"}, repo: nil,
 required: [:name],
 types: %{id: :id, inserted_at: Ecto.DateTime, mastercat_id: :id, name: :string,

   updated_at: Ecto.DateTime,
   words: {:assoc,
    %Ecto.Association.Has{cardinality: :many, defaults: [], field: :words,
     on_cast: :changeset, on_delete: :nothing, on_replace: :raise,
     owner: Hangman.Category, owner_key: :id, queryable: Hangman.Word,
     related: Hangman.Word, related_key: :category_id}}}, valid?: true,
 validations: []}

What I can see is for some weird reason it assigns the parent id to field master_cat_id instead of mastercat_id.

Any help is much appreciated. https://github.com/Hajto/hangmanelixir

like image 757
Haito Avatar asked Oct 17 '15 14:10


1 Answers

The foreign key is inferred from the module name by the association_key/2 function in the (deliberately undocumented) Ecto.Association module:

iex(1)> Ecto.Association.association_key(User, :id)
iex(3)> Ecto.Association.association_key(FooBar, :id)           
iex(5)> Ecto.Association.association_key(MasterCat, :id)

Change the belongs_to/3 schema to use an explicit foreign key field name:

   schema "categories" do
    field :name, :string

    has_many :words, Hangman.Word
    belongs_to :mastercat, Hangman.MasterCat, foreign_key: :master_cat_id

like image 174
Gazler Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 07:10
