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Eclipse's Visual Studio Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab Equivalent


In Visual Studio, I always use Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab to navigate between documents. I see that Eclipse has Ctrl+F6 to navigate between editors, but this isn't nearly the same behavior. The difference being, pressing it once and then again will get you moving back and forth between two files, whereas in VS, it will cause you to navigate forward based on the tab order in the editor. Any ideas on how I can replicate VS's behavior?

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jasonh Avatar asked May 01 '10 21:05


People also ask

How do you alternate tabs in Vscode?

When using Visual Studio Code on Windows, you can use CTRL + PAGE_UP to switch to the previous tab, and CTRL + PAGE_DN to switch to the next tab. You also have the ability to switch to tabs based on their (non-zero relative) index. You can do so, by pressing and holding ALT , followed by a number (1 through 9).

How do I switch between tabs in eclipse?

CTRL - F6 in Eclipse, like ALT - TAB (on windows), brings up a list of tabs/windows available (if you keep the CTRL / ALT key depressed) and highlights the one you will jump to when you let go of this key. You do not have to select the window.

2 Answers

Looking at Keys in the preferences dialog, there are commands for "Next editor" and "Previous editor", bound to Ctrl+Alt+Right/Left.

I use Ctrl+Page up/Page down, but that might be specific to Linux because it's the same shortcut in other apps such as Nautilus and Terminal.

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Martin Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 11:10


I just set the Next tab and Previous tab actions under Preferences > General > Keys to Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab respectively and it works just fine. Eclipse is highly customizable

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KG6ZVP Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 12:10