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How can I create a java.sql.Array of Strings? [duplicate]


Possible Duplicate:
How to create ArrayList (ArrayList<T>) from array (T[]) in Java

I have:

String[] time = {"22:22:22","22:22:23"}; Array asd = null; 

How can I put something like asd=time ?

like image 713
Edu Avatar asked Nov 05 '10 17:11


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2 Answers

I assume that what you actually need is a java.sql.Array, since you mention jdbc and setArray in some of your comments.

Three options:

  1. Try Connection.createArrayOf(). This might or might not be available, depending on the JDBC driver you are using.
  2. Write your own class that implements java.sql.Array. Here is an example for PostgreSQL.
  3. Some implementations, such as Oracle's, provide utility methods to work with arrays. Check the documentation of your JDBC driver.
like image 127
Grodriguez Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09


The Array class is not an actual array. Instead it is a helper class that has static methods to help with arrays.

You may be looking to use ArrayList or something like it. You could use it using List<String> asd = Arrays.asList(time)

like image 41
Alan Geleynse Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 17:09

Alan Geleynse