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Eclipse Style Function Completions in Emacs for C, C++ and JAVA?

People also ask

How do I Autocomplete in Emacs?

The key to triggering the auto-completion in emacs is the Tab key. You will get a list of suggestions from the compiler. To select something from the list of suggestions, we recommend you to use C-n and C-p, but the down and up arrow keys can be used as well.

Does Emacs have auto-completion?

Auto-Complete is an intelligent auto-completion extension for Emacs. It extends the standard Emacs completion interface and provides an environment that allows users to concentrate more on their own work. Its features are: a visual interface, reduce overhead of completion by using statistic method, extensibility.

M-/ is a quick and dirty autocomplete based on the contents of your current buffer. It won't give you everything you get in Eclipse but is surprisingly powerful.

I can only answer your question as one who has not used Eclipse much. But! What if there was a really nice fast heuristic analysis of everything you typed or looked at in your emacs buffers, and you got smart completion over all that everywhere, not just in code?

M-x load-library completion
M-x global-set-key C-RET complete RET

When I was doing java development I used to use the:

Java Development Environment for Emacs (JDEE)

The JDEE will provide method name completion when you explicitly invoke a jdee provided function. It has a keyboard binding for this functionality in the jdee-mode.

The CEDET package provides completion for C/C++ & Java (and for some other languages). To initial customization you can take my config that i use to work with C++ projects