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Eclipse startup hang, "Android SDK: resolving error markers"

This problem made me crazy until I found below, if I didn't post the answer, I am not a man! Hope this helps if you are also going crazy

I found from Eclipse Stuck at "Android SDK: Resolving error markers":

cd [my workspace folder]

cd .metadata

find . -name .markers -exec rm {} \;

eclipse -clean -refresh

if you are in win32

FOR /F "tokens=*" %%G IN ('DIR /B /AD /S .markers') DO RMDIR /S /Q "%%G"

I solved the issue with this (from your eclipse folder):

eclipse -clean -refresh

I followed this url: http://tekhoow.blogspot.com.es/2013/06/eclipse-stuck-at-android-sdk-resolving.html (but the eclipse command was enough for me)

There is also another stack question with the same topic and say the same: "Clean all projects in your workspace and restart Eclipse to solve this problem." How to Resolving error markers Eclipse Android SDK

After trying all suggested ways, the only way solved my problem was deleting this file:


Original answer

I was having the same problem, and found the solution by going running "eclipse.exe -clean -refresh" from the cmd prompt. The above solution includes other commands done in the .metadata folder which doesn't apply to all versions of Eclipse. I am using Eclipse IDE for Android Developers

There is a very simple way of invoking the above answers on Mac OSX:

cd workspace

rm ./.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.projects/*/.markers


rm ./.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.projects/Project-Name/.markers

cd eclipse.app/Contents/MacOS

./eclipse -clean -remove

This has happened to me before.There are errors in the libraries related to the Google App Engine project, what you need to do is close Eclipse, go to your workspace and move every other project not related to the Google App Engine project to another location on your computer, then start Eclipse and make sure you resolve all the issues with the backend project ,then copy the other projects back to your workspace.

figured it out a couple days ago and forgot to inform y'all.

all I needed to do was save the projects to some other directory if you have not already. Delete it from your workspace and also delete the app engine endpoints project.

Re-import the android project and copy into workspace. set the java build path and everything else (if it says 'project master' control click -> team -> disable) everything should look fine. Then, delete all references to the app engine project, this means folders called 'endpoint-libs/libcontainers...'

This will break your project everywhere you reference the data model

Now, re-import the app engine project and make any necessary changes so that it doesn't have build errors (warnings may be OK).

Control click -> generate cloud endpoint client library. The libraries in the original project will be replaced.

Not entirely sure what caused this but for the time being it has been working beautifully.