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android sdk main.out.xml parsing error?

People also ask

What causes XML parsing error?

Several users report dealing with the XML Parsing Error whenever they try to open a Microsoft Word document that they previously exported. The issue typically occurs after the user has upgraded to a newer Office version or after if the Word document was previously exported from a different program.

What is XML parsing in Android?

Android DOM(Document Object Model) parser is a program that parses an XML document and extracts the required information from it. This parser uses an object-based approach for creating and parsing the XML files.

Better fixing: Eclipse -> Window -> Preferences -> Run/Debug -> Launching -> Lauch Configuration

Cross : Filter checked launch configuration types and Cross also : XSL (at the end of the list)

Yeah, same problem with me.

To prevent out.xml from being created.

  1. edit an XML file, a perfectly natural thing to do....

  2. save and close the XML file

  3. Open any .java file in src/

  4. Double click in the file to ensure it has focus and the cursor is in there.

  5. Run... should be OK now

If it happens, do this...

  1. edit an XML file, a perfectly natural thing to do....

  2. Run... crash due to dreaded out.xml file

  3. Delete the /res/___.out.xml file

  4. Close all files in the IDE view

  5. Project...Clean...

  6. Open any .java file in src/

  7. Double click in the file so it has focus and the cursor is in there.

  8. Run... should be OK now

You should run the project as android application not only click the icon--Run

Deleted the xxx.out.xml, if still can't run, please follow this Eclipse ->Project->Clean...->Choose your project->OK

Set the cursor in your *.java, Run it

I was trying to run from the wrong part of the project since my toolbar was not hooked up correctly. I am still working out the details and I will edit this when I figure it out completely.

First of all, this was a new workspace that I wanted to create to organize my different unrelated projects. As a result, the RUN of the toolbar did not have a target configured (i.e., in the history), so it tried to run my main.xml file.

Right-click on one of the *.java files and select 'run as...' then you can create a run configuration with its target (pick or create an AVD), the project, etc. I recommend visiting each of the tabs and review the defaults for your situation.

Then, sit back and wait for the emulator to load for the first time (mine took about 1 to 2 minutes on a Macbook).

This appears to be an issue with one of eclipse's XML plugins, I think it is something in Web Tools. I used to be able to run the app from any file, be it XML or java, but once I installed Web Tools I started seeing this error. It really is annoying, I am so used to pressing Ctrl-F11 to build the app...but if you do that in an XML file you get this error. The fix mentioned above does work, but it is extra steps and less efficient to have to right-click the project and select Run As... blah blah. If anyone figures out a clean solution - besides removing Web Tools of course - to get me back my shortcut key I would be grateful.