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Eclipse: Files opened by multiple searches using same editor tab




People also ask

How do I change the default file opener in Eclipse?

You can set which Eclipse editor or external program to use to open a specific type of file based on its file extension. Just select Window→ Preferences→ Workbench→ File Associations, select the file type, and associate an editor or program with it (if nothing else, you can use Eclipse's default text editor).

How do I search and open files in Eclipse?

Press the "Ctrl," "Shift" and "R" keys on your keyboard simultaneously. A pop-up window will open and you can type in the name of the file you wish to find. Eclipse uses intelligent matching. Once it matches the file, just press "Enter." This is the fastest way to find files of any type, including Java and PHP files.

How do I search for tabs in Eclipse?

Ctrl + H > File Search tab. Check "Regular expression" and type "\t" in the Search string field.

Disable the option

Preferences > General > Search > Reuse editors to show matches

Above is the best answer. But since I don't always want to open the search result in a new tab I usually use something like this.

right click on the result -> Show In -> Package Explorer ->(file is now automatically selected)->Press 'Enter'

More simply

Select the result -> alt + shift + w -> Package Explorer -> press 'Enter' twice