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Eclipse error ... cannot be resolved to a type




I have a dynamic web project that I am working on to migrate a jsp/servlet app from JRun to Tomcat.

I am getting the error: com.ibm.ivj.eab.dab.DatastoreJDBC cannot be resolved to a type.

I have the *.class files sitting inside a com/ibm/ivj/eab/dab folder (exactly how I found them). I have tried creating a jar file and adding that to the build path via "Add External Jar", I have also tried adding an "External Class Folder" and pointing to the folder that contains the "com" directory in question.

Still, the error persists. What is strange is if I start typing the package name eclipse actually auto-completes the class for me! (pictured below). Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Maybe the classes were compiled for a much older java version and that is causing trouble? Maybe there is something I need to do to ensure the classes end up in the WEB-INF/lib directory?

Ienter image description here

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mikey Avatar asked Apr 03 '13 18:04


People also ask

What is Cannot be resolved to a type?

This means that your project isn't setup to include the JUnit libraries when it compiles; JUnit is not included in the Java runtime libraries (JRE System Library) so you have to add it to the build path.

How do I fix an error in eclipse?

I recommend going to your Problems view, selecting one of the errors, and hitting Ctrl-1 (quick fix). It should offer you the chance to fix all the errors of the selected type, in all files. You can also mouse over the error in the text editor and wait for a popup; it should say "fix 70 other errors of this type".

4 Answers

Also If you are using mavenised project then try to update your project by clicking Alt+F5. Or right click on the application and go to maven /update project.

It builds all your components and resolves if any import error is there.

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AKS Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 02:10


  1. Right click your project name.

  2. Click Properties.

  3. Click Java Build Path.

  4. Click on Add Class Folder.

  5. Then choose your class.

Alternatively, Add Jars should work although you claim that you attempted that.

Also, "have you tried turning it off and back on again"? (Restart Eclipse).

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KyleM Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 03:10


To solve the error "...cannot be resolved to a type.." do the followings:

  1. Right click on the class and select "Build Path-->Exclude"
  2. Again right click on the class and select "Build Path-->Include"

It works for me.

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Amit Kumar Das Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 02:10

Amit Kumar Das

There are two ways to solve the issue "cannot be resolved to a type ":

  1. For non maven project, add jars manually in a folder and add it in java build path. This would solve the compilation errors.
  2. For maven project, right click on the project and go to maven -> update project. Select all the projects where you are getting compilation errors and also check "Force update of snapshots/releases". This will update the project and fix the compilation errors.
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Swati Gour Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 03:10

Swati Gour