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Optimization by Java Compiler

Recently, I was reading this article.

According to that article, Java Compiler i.e. javac does not perform any optimization while generating bytecode. Is it really true? If so, then can it be implemented as an intermediate code generator to remove redundancy and generate optimal code?

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Mahesh Gupta Avatar asked May 12 '11 16:05

Mahesh Gupta

People also ask

Does the Java compiler optimize?

The compiler don't optimize the bytecode because it is optimized at run time by the JIT optimizer. If the type of runtime you are targeting don't have a JIT optimizer (even if it had a JIT compiler), or you are AOT compiling, I recommend using an optimizing obfuscator like Proguard or Allatori.

What is compiler optimization in Java?

The JVMs JIT compiler is one of the fascinating mechanisms on the Java platform. It optimizes your code for performance, without giving away its readability. Not only that, beyond the “static” optimization methods of inlining, it also makes decisions based on the way that the code performs in practice.

What is compiler optimization techniques?

Compiler optimization is generally implemented using a sequence of optimizing transformations, algorithms which take a program and transform it to produce a semantically equivalent output program that uses fewer resources or executes faster.

2 Answers

javac will only do a very little optimization, if any.

The point is that the JIT compiler does most of the optimization - and it works best if it has a lot of information, some of which may be lost if javac performed optimization too. If javac performed some sort of loop unrolling, it would be harder for the JIT to do that itself in a general way - and it has more information about which optimizations will actually work, as it knows the target platform.

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Jon Skeet Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 13:10

Jon Skeet

I stopped reading when I got to this section:

More importantly, the javac compiler does not perform simple optimizations like loop unrolling, algebraic simplification, strength reduction, and others. To get these benefits and other simple optimizations, the programmer must perform them on the Java source code and not rely on the javac compiler to perform them.

Firstly, doing loop unrolling on Java source code is hardly ever a good idea. The reason javac doesn't do much in the way of optimization is that it's done by the JIT compiler in the JVM, which can make much better decisions that the compiler could, because it can see exactly which code is getting run the most.

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Simon Nickerson Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 13:10

Simon Nickerson