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Eclipse Axis error when creating web service


Every time I try to create a new Web Service in Eclipse, I get this error:

IWAB0489E Error when deploying Web service to Axis runtime
  axis-admin failed with  {http://xml.apache.org/axis/}HTTP (404)Not Found

Any idea how to solve this issue?


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Bv202 Avatar asked Nov 16 '11 11:11


2 Answers

In fact this problem occur because you have choosen Axis1 instead Axis2 when trying to generate the WebService.

To change from Axis1 to Axis2 you need to click in "Web service runtime: Apache Axis" when on this step of the creation of the web service:

Web service creating

Then, change from Axis to Axis 2:

Choose Axis 2

One last consideration: You must be sure that in the creation moment of your Web Dynamic Project, you have choosen "Dynamic Web Module Version" to be below 3.0. Version 2.5 will work. After that you need to add "Axis2 Web Services" to the facets of the project. Right click on the project > Properties > Project Facets

Adding Axis2 to the project facets check the box publish the web service and in client select the sliding bar create client . if the problem occurs any then restart your eclipse. Hope this can help.

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Renato Lochetti Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09

Renato Lochetti

please check the following:

  1. Verify that the web.xml of the dynamic Web project has been updated with the Axis2 servlet.
  2. The project has been added to the server and the server state is started.
  3. Ping the URL "/services/AdminService"
    (e.g."http://localhost:8080/WebProj/services/AdminService) and verify that the Axis2 servlet is up and running.
  4. Ensure that deploy.wsdd is generated in the Web project's WebContent/WEB-INF directory under the package name.
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Sumit Singh Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09

Sumit Singh